Saturday, April 17, 2010

Movie and some Facebook

Kelly my sister and I rented "up in the air" tonight. We both love Clooney. I don't know why, as cute as he is he is that guy that in reality we would love to hate since he has commitment issues. I guess technically speaking we can love him since we don't have a chance in hell with him. So who cares if he can't commit. This movie was slightly disappointing and alittle depressing. I guess we like the kind of movie with a happy ending. It is a realistic movie since everything in life does not have a happy ending. But when I see a movie I want to go to fantasy land where everything ends well. As I'm writing this I'm thinking who do I think I am Roger Ebert??? Like anyone gives a shit what I thought of this. After the movie we are sitting across the room from each other. Kelly is playing on her iPhone which is a bad habit she has gotten into. Earlier today she was pulling up Perez Hilton in the car instead of enjoying our scenic views and great conversation with me. I ask her if she's over there fBing. She is not but this sparks a FB conversation. We both end up on our phones across from each other FBing. We are laughing our ass off at some peoples status updates. So we are trying to find the funniest status update on our live feed. One was the person who was worried about their farm while they went on vacation. Are you serious????? Think about this VACATION or FB FARM!!!!!!!! Reading all the FB updates just reaffirms for me that we all suffer from narcissism. There is the person who lets you know they are working out all the time. I hate this one since I promise myself to start working out and I never follow through this person makes me want to scream. There is that person who lets you know how much they paid for stuff. Guess what people know how much stuff cost we don't give a shit how much you paid! There is that person that kinda leaves you hanging, they give you alittle piece of info that keeps you thinking about what they are talking about. This is usually a person that you really don't give a shit about but because of FB you are thinking about them now. There is that person that wants you to feel sorry for them. You see all these people responding with things like "you are great hang in there". I often wonder when is the last time they really talked to this person besides FB. There is that person who updates their status constantly. You know everything this person is doing all through their day. There are times when your not feeling so sunshiny and you want to post the who gives a shit comment under their lame ass status update. There are the farmers, the mafia, the bling givers, the heart givers and the cafe owners etc, etc, etc. So after we do all our bitching about this Kelly says read me your last five status updates. I then realize I'm just as guilty as the next of this craziness. My favorite of mine is "I'm one tired bunny who cooked and put together Easter baskets till 2am". Do I really think anyone gives a shit about this????? My favorite of Kelly's was "I just got off the plane with a baby that no longer sits still". As much as we are laughing at everyone else we are guilty as well. FB is addicting I wonder how many hours I have lost looking at peoples photos that I will never see again in my lifetime. I find myself interested in people I will never see again in my lifetime. As much as I love FB I hate it too. I think I have way to much info about certain people and I give a shit about way to many people I will never see again! As many times as I have thought WTF, or judged someones stuff, guess what their is someone out there thinking that same shit about me. Being a stay at home mom makes you feel invisible at times and FB makes you feel alittle more visible to the world. narcissistic society I say! Whats up with our ego's?? I'm not meaning in anyway way by this post to insult anyone, it is one of my "Ahhh Haaaa" moments as Oprah would say, in that I realize
I'm just as guilty as the stuff I talk shit about and judge. Another funny thing alittle narcissistic but that's OK since all of seem to be suffering from this. Kelly and I are talking about Clooney and I say I would love to be naked with him if I had a slightly different body. Kelly says I would love to be naked with Robert Pattinson. This makes me think! Then I ask her.....who do you think is the better lover??? We both agree Clooney!!!!! So hopefully tonight I will not dream about these people I live with, but I will dream about Clooney, the vamp would be great too!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You better not have been talking shit about my posts!! I'll get you back!! (said w/love!....L.O.V.E.)