Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Germ fest, 2013

 I had to take Aidan...aka...Pig Pen to the doctor today. There is a women and her son in the waiting room. Pig Pen laid his head in my lap while we waited, waited, and waited. I had this strange sad thought. I thought this might be the last time that he is sick and lays his head in my lap. He is my last so this is it for me. I feel like I could tear up. Damn hormones.  So the lady with the sick kid asks me what's wrong with Aidan. I tell her I'm not sure but he has a very high fever. She tells me her son has a stomach bug. That's when I notice a trash can in front of him. I was wondering what the awful smell was. I thought for a while it was me. Ya know that awkward moment when you smell something odd and you secretly try to sniff yourself????  She tells me that they have the trash can because he can't stop throwing up. I think would I look like an asshole if I put my shirt over my face????? Of course I would.  So I sit there fearing breathing the air. Especially after he pukes in front of us. After sitting in the waiting room for 45 minutes with the kid puking in the trash we finally get in.

The Doctor comes in to find out what's going on with Pig Pen. Then she is telling how the kid we were sitting with in the waiting room has that "superbug". I say.."What is the superbug?".  She says.."Norovirus". This name means nothing to me till I get home and "google" it. She tells me that this "Norovirus" is so bad that you pretty much puke every hour on the hour for days. Wishing at this point I would have looked like an asshole and put my shirt over my face. She tells me it is so contagious that washing your hands or sanitizing doesn't even help. So I'm thinking "WTF, Really?" in my head. Wishing I would have just let this crap Pig Pen has ride out and stayed away from here.  There is nothing I hate more than puking kids and puking me. Pig Pen test positive for type A flu. The not so charming prince had it last week. Pig Pen had the flu mist though. The doctor is surprised he got it since the mist is supposed to stop that one. We get a prescription for Tamiflu. She ends up giving me a prescription for Cole too. She says if he starts taking it he will most likely not get it. I stop at Walgreens to drop off my prescriptions. They tell me they are way behind so it's going to be two hours.

We head home so Aidan can sleep. I start to clean the crap out of the house. Fearing it's a germ fest in it. I wash all the sheets and towels in the house. My friend calls and I was telling her about the kid with the stomach bug. She tells me that the superbug story is all over CNN. After I get off the phone with her I "google" it. I know better!!!!! I'm the ignorance is bliss girl. The first site I come to says..."It's 48-60 hours of pure hell". Sounds great! The next site says.."This bug hits the digestive system and causes severe dehydration that could result in hospitalization". I love this next one. It says..."While you feel like your dying your PROBABLY not". I don't like that "PROBABLY". Says...."It's highly contagious and hard to kill". With influenza you have to ingest hundreds of thousands of particles to catch it. With novovirus it only takes less that 20 particles. Wondering if those particles were flying around us after that kid vomited next to us. It also can survive on food, surfaces, and in water!!!!!! This shit is Cray, Cray!
I head back to Walgreens to pick up the tamiflu. Yeah, 150.00 dollars for this with my insurance!!!!! While in Walgreens I start to fear germs. Wondering who around me is sick. I stop at HEB to get a few things after that. While picking up some veggies I wonder if any infected people touched the veggies. Then I think I could be the infected person spreading this crap. When I get home I remember the not so charming prince was drinking out of cartons while he was sick. This is a big No, No, even when he is healthy. See there is a reason I call him the not so charming prince. I decided to throw away the ice tea and the milk. Then I go to the prince's room to put his clean sheets on his bed. While up there I'm picturing green smog everywhere. I see his wallet. I carefully pick it up and steal 5 dollars out of it. He owes me for that milk and tea! Anyway I feel like a lady in waiting! Waiting to get sick. I'm scared that we're going to get this. I really want a get out of jail free card on this one. I've been good I swear!

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