Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Did I ever tell you the dog is my favorite?????

 The poor doggy! Last night while mom and I were downstairs cleaning the aftermath of the human tornadoes. Aidan was upstairs playing dress up with the dog! The dog came running down with a deer in headlights look on his face. Before I yelled at Aidan for scarring the dog for life I had to get some pictures!
 Look at the poor babies face!!!!! Last night I couldn't fall asleep to save my life.
 I had every intention of doing naked bed angels since Hub's is away. The dog wanted to sleep with me though. I never get to snuggle with the dog. Hub's has a strict no dogs in the bed policy. I got in some PJ's and let the dog in. He didn't want anything and he didn't snore. Life was good. I have had worst dogs in my bed. I wish I had a no dog in my bed policy in my early twenties. It would have saved me some much needed therapy. 5:15 came way too early after not being able to fall asleep. I left the house at 6:45 to take Blake and his friends to football practice. I still had my PJ's on, I had not brushed my teeth, or brushed my hair. I kind of looked like last night's left overs. Blake and his friends played some underground Drake music while we took a long dark drive into Drip. They didn't say a word but their heads bobbed to the music. After I dropped them off I got back home at about 6:10. I fell back asleep and woke up in at 7:10 in a panic. I needed to get Aidan to school at 7:30 and have Cole ready to walk out the door as soon as I got back. Oh, when I begged Hub's to get pregnant over and over I did not picture this in my head. I picked up Cole and headed back to Drip for the second time before eight am in the morning.

I'm reading three books right now. I have self diagnosed myself with ADD because of things like this. The first book is "bared to you".....a little bit of Mommy porn! The second is "cleaning house, A Mom's 12 month experiment to rid her home of youth entitlement, and the last is "Let's pretend this never happened". I gave the first book the" mommy porn" to my neighbor because I promised it to her and I've been dragging ass reading it. She can read a book in three days. This is really the busiest time of the year for me. The second book I just can't seem to get through. It's a great book, really well written. The problem is it doesn't make me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. It makes me feel bad about myself. Remember I'm an ignorance is bliss girl. I also grew up Irish Catholic so there is that whole guilt thing I struggle with. This book is loud and clear about all the things I'm not doing right. I don't like that! I'm about half way through it. I will finish it but in small doses! To be frank the damn book overwhelmed me. I only wished she wrote it while I was pregnant. Like I said before I will be buying every pregnant women I know one. It should be a bible for anyone having kids. The last book, "Let's pretend this never happened" came to me from a friend. I really was not planning on reading three during football and baseball season. She gave it to me because it is written by a blogger like me. Well kind of. She is much funnier than me. She has a blog called the "bloggess". If you enjoy reading this blog you will crazy love this book. I'm only through the first four chapters because I have had house guest. It is rude to read while you have house guest so "they" say. I read a little before bed the other night. I really did laugh out loud to the point of tears while reading it. She talks about how her writing is all over the map like mine. She cusses a lot so it's not for people without a sense of humor. So far her stories are about her messed up childhood. As I write this I'm laughing out loud about her story of the magical talking squirrel. Lets just say her Dad was  a taxidermist and he had that dead magic squirrel up his arm with the fresh blood dripping down his arm.  He is using it as a puppet to entertain his very young children. Anyway the point to all this is while driving around I had an Awww haha moment....."books on audio".

My mom left today. We had a great visit. With her came Chicago's famous Garrett's popcorn. My fingers may still be orange. She always buys me something I love but don't need. This time it was a giant medal Halloween pumpkin. I love it. With her always comes a waaaa, waaaa, waaaa, story. This is why I nicknamed her Deb Downer. She had a story about a guy who killed his wife and chopped her up and cooked her. Gross right??? Who wants to hear that shit! Unless it is someone you know. It's funny because I spent six weeks by her this summer. I totally should have been blogging during that visit. Laziness took over though. One night the whole family was at the dinner table. Mom...aka...Deb says...."Did you hear that story about". My sister interrupts her and says....."Who dies in this story?". I did laugh out loud! I don't even remember the story but I'm sure a tragic death was involved.

After I dropped Mom off at the airport. Aidan who is in the car says...."If you could only pick one kid to save from death who would it be?". I think why do kids ask these things! I tell him I couldn't possibly pick. He says..." You have to pick otherwise we all die and you are left alone". If I smiled would you judge????? I hope you know I'm kidding! I ask him if the dog is included in the pick???? He laughs and says "NO, MOM"! I tell him again I could never pick. He will not let it go! I finally say I would have to think long and hard. I tell him I would have to pick the one who would be the most responsible adult and be someone I would feel comfortable with throwing out there on their own. So far non of them measure up to this. He assures me it would be him and gives me many reasons why the others should be put to death. I do laugh.
After the airport we have time to shop before Cole and Blake get home. While shopping with mom this weekend I spotted a dog bed. Did I ever tell you the dog is my favorite person in the house???? Anyway I really wanted to get the dog this bed. I had a check I needed to cash for doing someones family pictures. It was about the price of the bed and then some. So we headed to World Market. We got the bed and about ten dollars worth of chocolate because we were hungry and they have crazy good chocolate! I'm sad that I have zero self control but it is what it is! I have the attitude that life is short live it to it's fullest and eat lots of chocolate! Unfortunately catholic guilt gets in the way. So we get the bed home. I'm really excited because in seven years the dog has never had this nice of a bed. I put it down and lay in in hoping the dog will follow. He looks at me as if I have three heads! The same way I feel when I get the kids something I think they will love and in my mind the outcome is much better.
So here is the sad story......great frickin dog ever! It sits alone while the dog takes up space on my ottoman. While writing this though the dog is in the dog of all dog beds and he looks quite comfortable. I think he may like it!

 Every night I go to bed praying I will wake up a different person. The one that wants to work out and eat right. I guess God is not hearing me or I'm not hearing God! Every day I deal with overachievers telling me how they love to run. I want to paintball them to death while running. Out of jealously of course. Then I deal with the workout barbies telling me how great their workouts are. Don't judge me if while their talking I picture stuffing their faces with cheeseburgers and chips. It's a jealousy thing for sure. I only wish I was the girl that could eat right and give at least twenty minutes a day to exercise. Truth is I fucking hate it! There I said it loud and clear. I know what to do to stop it, I'm not stupid! I just don't really want to and I don't know how to stop that feeling! I hate exercise!!!! . I never met a cheeseburger I didn't love either. I wish I was the person that crazy loved to workout and enjoyed veggies and all that healthy shit! I'm not! I really do try...well not that hard but I want to be that person!
On another note I have my last child campaigning for a phone. This is a thorn in my side for sure! I've been through the first two campaigning for a phone. The last comes way too soon. I fought the first till his 5th grade bday. BTW, he was one of the last out of his friends to get one. I fought the second because all his friends got them! He would talk to himself in front of me about all his friends having a phone and how they were texting. I stood strong to the half way through 5th grade rule. This one is in 4th and I'm tired and beat up. I don't know how long I can take till I give in! I went to check on him after he went to a party where the kid got an iPhone. I found this on his door! Calgone are you there?????? The sad part of me wants to just get him a phone to shut him up! It's mush easier for sure. The smart part of me knows that his brothers were fine without a phone till much later. I need to step up and hold my ground and not give in to lazy parenting! I swear sometimes I feel really sorry for myself. HeHe! Go to go...Hub's flies home today and I have sheets to wash! Remember I had a dog in my bed while he was gone...:)))

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