Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Snow Day

We have lived in Austin almost three years now. This is the biggest snow I have seen. The kids went to school and I went back to bed. My phone rang a couple of times and I ignored it and keep sleeping. I know alot of you think of me as a slug cause I go back to bed everyday. I saw something on Dr OZ that said sleep heals your cells so I think of it as healing. I have zero guilt for going back to bed, I seem to get the best sleep in those two hours and I have some pretty crazy dreams too. I got up at 10am and checked E-mails, called my sister, and got on FB. Now I do have much guilt about FB I can't believe I waste my time on there looking at everyones pictures. There is a knock at the door and it's my neighbor. She informs me that the kids are getting out of school at one for a snow day. So the phone call I ignored was from the kids schools. I go back to the computer and eat three cupcakes, now I do have guilt about this too. My damn friend Sharri gave me this ridiculously good cupcake recipe and I can't stop eating them.

I go to the school at 1pm to get the kids. I end up in the back of a line that has about 50 people in front of me picking up their kids. The line is so long that I'm stuck outside the building. I'm not at all dressed or prepared for this. I guess my lame brain wasn't thinking that there would be a huge line to check the kids out. I find myself making small talk with the parents I'm in line with. Then I have this really bad habit of sizing up people I don't know. So I'm standing there looking at peoples crows feet wondering if mine look like that. I'm checking out who looks put together and who doesn't. I see someone with large pores so I'm wondering what mine look like. It doesn't help that the school has the worst possible fluorescent lighting ever. I try not to ever check myself out in the school mirrors because I just can't believe I look that bad. Now at this point if someone has the same bad habit as me then I'm in trouble since I'm standing there in sweatshirt with paint stains, pants that make my ass look awful, and best of all last nights makeup since I fell asleep on the sofa watching Oprah. I also have a bad habit of trying to guess people's age I'm not proud of this at all, this has just happened to me in the last few years. So I'm in this ridiculously long line wondering who is older that me and who is not. Sounds really silly I know but I have an overactive mind. I think my dream job might be that person at the State fairs who guesses peoples weight and age. It takes me 40 minutes from the time I left my house till I got home with the kids.
My Dog Ziggy LOVED the snow. He was running around like crazy in it. You can see by the snowflake on top of his head that the flakes were a good size. He had such a great time chasing all the kids in the snow.
The kids run in and we try to suit up as best we can for snow weather. Since we live in Texas we don't really have snow stuff. They have a great time in the snow. All the kids in the hood are out throwing snow at each other.

Everything is going well at first and then of course the chaos starts. First Aidan comes in to change clothes because someone put snow down his shirt. Then Cole comes in crying cause he got a snowball to the face. Then Aidan comes in crying about something that Cole did. At this point I don't really hear anything they are saying...it all starts to sound like Blaaah Blaaah Blaaah.
The pantry has been haunting me for months. While the kids are out in the snow I think I'm going to tackle this monster of a pantry. My hubby told me a few months ago it needed to be cleaned up. He should have never done that. When he tells me something like that even if I want to clean it I won't!!!! I know another not so great trait about me. The problem really came to my attention when a neighbor called to borrow something and I had to call them back so I could look for it in this mess of a pantry. For God sakes I don't even know what I have in here. My house is very clean until you open a closet or the pantry.

Holy Shit this is one side of the pantry all out on the kitchen counters. I spend the next hour washing down the shelves and throwing away things that are out of date.

Waaaa Laaaaa, this only took one hour of my time. I feel like a weight as been removed from me. I don't know if anyone else does this but I keep walking by it just to look at it.
The kids finally come in soaking ass wet! They would like some hot chocolate....well guess what we happen to have some in this super clean pantry. Hubby gets home shorty after this. Cole tells him all Mommy does all day is watch TV and play on the computer. What the hell this is already a sour subject with us. Thank God I cleaned the pantry so I have something to show for my day. I say hey Cole while you were out in snow playing I cleaned and organized the pantry, I did a load of laundry that's all put away, I picked up all the leaves that you guys dragged in every time you came in to cry or complain, and I flushed the potty twice behind you! I know it's immature to throw things in a nine year old face but jeez how did I get this kid who likes to throw me under the bus. In the mean time Blake has two friends over I seem to do much better with these age kids. The problem is every time I pass them all I can smell is farts and they find this really funny. They are upstairs and I go on the computer and get sucked into FB. I go to my home page and see Blake has just posted that he is in a relationship.....HaHa at twelve. My first instinct is to comment something smart ass to him. I do remember being in middle school and my parents would laugh at me for this same kinda stuff. I hated that more than anything so I step away from the computer. Well anyway another fabulous day with these people I live with.

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