Sunday, February 24, 2013

Drama had a bday too.

 The day after Pig Pen turned ten Drama queen turned 12. 12...I can't believe it. On his bday my day started out with Hubs getting them to school. It's Friday...his day to get the kids off.  My day to sleep in. My favorite day. Cole...aka..Drama walked in my room. I was sleeping soundly. He tapped me to say goodbye. I woke up and said "Happy Bday". He told me I was the best mom in the world, kissed me and gave me a neck a hug. It made me happy to hear that since he is my one who gets the least attention being the middle child. I had to get out of bed after that cause when Hubs gets home we are heading out to the design center. We were going to pick out all the fun stuff for my-our new house. When he got home I was in the shower. He made some crack that he would be in the car before I was ready. He's full of shit cause I'm usually the one in the car first. We headed out to the design center. I was in the car first...just saying. On the way he said again..."Don't fight me in front of the girl". I said..."Don't you fight me either". Then I said.."How do you know its a girl?". He said "Cause the email was from Mandy". I say "Mandy might be a hot guy"! On our way there I was starving. I asked him to stop for food. We stop at a BBQ gas station. He gets a banana. I get two really good tacos. One was potato and one was bacon. Filled with eggs and cheese. So as I eating them, he wants a taste. I say.."Why didn't you just get one?'. He says.."I'm trying to be healthy". Then he jabs me with the "you never go the healthy route". I say.."My taste buds are happy, and yours want my taco". He goes into a speech about how he has done his part about warning me about my bad decisions. He is worried about my heath at my age. He does not want to be responsible when I get bad news cause he warned me and asked me to stop. I say...WAAAAA, WAAAAAA, you sound like Debbie..Debbie Downer that is! He doesn't get my humor. He is serious...I'm laughing until I eat my words some day.
 We got to the design center. I said black he said white. I said up he said down. We are clearly not seeing eye to eye. The girl who was helping us probably went out for wine after and talked shit about us. He is the one who wanted to sell our last house. I was fine, happy, I loved my house.  It was pretty much Tuscan style. We are now building a southern living style home. This is the type of home I have always wanted. A southern living home is the opposite of Tuscan style. He was trying to design the inside of this house Tuscan which just doesn't work.  On our way home we fought about the whole five hour experience. At one point he said if we weren't an hour away he would get out of the car and walk home. So our day went great!  Let me tell you it's lots of fun building my-our dream house. On our way home between the fights we realize we have to exchange Pig Pens gift for one with parts and get Cole a gift. We stop at a sports store. We exchange Pig Pens gift and get Cole the same gift. When you have two kids so close in age you buy a lot of double gifts to avoid fights. We get home and get Aidan from elementary school. First thing he asks is if we exchanged his gift. I say we didn't have time. He finds it in the back before we get home. Plus he sees Cole got one too. I go home to wrap Cole's gift. Make a cookie cake for Cole's bday. Hubs wants to go meet a friend for a beer! I say..."GOOOOO". I head to the middle school to get Cole and then the high school to get Blake. When I get home Cole looks around for a gift. It is hidden in my room. I'm going to wait to see how long it takes for him to ask about. Pig Pen ruins my game and tells Cole there's a gift for him in my room. Pig Pen not only ruins it but tries to take credit for it. As you can see from the picture Cole was pretty happy. As you can see from the picture so was Pig Pen. Mostly because he doesn't have to share his. We are still working on sharing 10 and 12 years later. Mother of the year here!
So back to the middle child. Cole had to play in his basketball playoffs. I brought his cookie cake I made to the game.  Not only is he a middle child but his Bday falls the day after the babies. We got lots of frosting yesterday. Aidan made two cakes. One for school and one for home. He decorated both. Since we bought lots of dollars worth of frosting I thought I had a year supply. I made Cole's cake to record time by the way. When I went to frost it I realized most of the cans were out of steam. Aidan used them all. I swear he most have tasted most while making his cakes. So I found one of the five cans of frosting had just enough to write Cole on the cake. Barley!!!!!!Not even enough to outline the cake in frosting or write "happy Bday Cole". So I took the sad middle child's cake to his game. I get why middle children have a complex! Anyway...Happy Bday to the best middle child in the world!!!!!

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