Saturday, October 20, 2012

Shit in a bag on your door...priceless

Found this gem of a photo on my computer. Gotta love my sister...aka...Twisty. I call her that for reason. Are you getting it yet??? Anyway, today Aidan had another melt down before school. Because he was going to the doctor at 11 I told him to lay back down and rest. My heart breaks a little more every time this happens to him.  I'm going to have to explain to the school the reason for all this tardiness this year that barely started. They take you to court over tardiness now a days. My fear is they think I'm that slacker mom that can't get her kid to school in time. Truth be told I'm dealing with something I wish I could kiss and make better. There is nothing I can say to calm him down. One of his brothers I will not name names makes fun of him. I want to strangle this brother about now!!!! So we go back to the doctor. She is so sweet to him. She takes her time talking to him trying to get to the root of the problem. I sit back trying to hold the tears back. While she asks him questions he answers in his sweet soft spoken voice. What she doesn't know is when we were waiting he looked at me with tears in his eyes and said he was nervous about talking to her. I stressed the fact that doctors are here to help us and there is nothing to be nervous about. He was honest but I could see the nervousness in him. When he answered her questions I realized that he had no idea what prompts this or why it's happening to him. This scares me too. She is now sending us to a specialist instead of a counselor. Maybe I can get something out of this since I too panic and over think at times. Two birds with one stone is what I'm thinking.

I get him some lunch and send him to school. I ask him if he feels alright. He says he is alright. I walk out almost in tears. When your a mom you pretty much take on what your kids are feeling....ten folds! I head home to pick up Kelz and the golden jerk. We head out to lunch while Hub's packs.....yes, I may be an asshole! We go to our favorite place to eat. While there Ella...aka...Golden jerk makes friends with a little boy. She is not shy at all she will be a force to be reckoned with when she is in high school for sure. She woke up with a rash on her face and is not feeling great. She is not only the perfect kid but the perfect sick kid. Kelz is worried about her ears on the plane tomorrow. Plus she is worried about the rash on her face. If it were me I would just fly by the seat of my pants. No reason to see a doctor unless they are crazy sick. Kelz wants to take her in. We get her in to a doctor...her ears are red inside and she has the rash most likely because of allergy. I was hoping the doctor would say she couldn't fly. I want more time with them. The doctor gives her something to numb her ears on the plane. After the doctor we go to the middle school to spy on the dance. Yes, I'm that mom! We make our way in by buying a case of water to donate to the dance. We find Cole and his friends get some pictures and leave. They are kind of boring at this age! Thank you Jesus for that.

After we get home Hub's is there with a truck load of my Halloween decorations. It pains me to see my Halloween decorations go into to storage during this time of the year!!!! I can't help but wonder does the universe hate me???? My house sold during my favorite time of the year! Can't decorate and can't have my Scary Kerry Halloween party! I have thought "WTF" on more than one occasion. Closing on my house on Halloween is like a bad joke on me! I know I have said this before...but damn it this is my on line diary...and it pisses me off!

So tonight Kelz and I rented a movie. We rented "what to expect when your expecting". There were lots of people we recognized in this movie. It was pretty good. Way better that "people we know" which we rented the other night.  All the sudden Kelz says there are people at your door. I look over and see three persons at my door. I think I know who they are. It is after 12am at this point. While I'm looking at the people at my door the doorbell rings. Kelz yells...."you are being booed yeah candy". We run to the door! Kelz is like ...."what did we get?". I see a brown paper bag. I open it. There is something wrapped in a paper towel. In my head I'm thinking this is not candy. I open it and it looks like a brown rock. I get a sniff and realize it is a dried up turd. I tell Kelz we got shit in a bag. She is like are you shitting me??? I show her the shit in the bag. I hear kids laughing across the street. We go in for a minute and then we decide we're going to chase them. We go running down the street using her Iphome as a flashlight but we are too late. I still think I know who it was! We get back in the house and Kelz says...."I was really excited about the candy damn it". I say "I don't love shitty candy"....we laugh that belly laugh kind of laugh and head to bed! I do have to say I think I know who those kids were. They will get a bag of shit on fire at their door step after a beer! Yes, Im that person. Revenge makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside!!!

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