Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Bloody Mary

 I said I was going to be pinteresting this week and that's what I have done. I made a pot roast tonight from pinterest and it sucked. Then I decided to frost my kitchen table with mayo like a cake. I saw on pinterest that it would take away water stains and make your table look nice. So Cole walks in from football. He walks up to the table with a strange look on his face. He kind of shrugs his shoulders and says....Does this have something to do with what's for dinner. I laugh out loud and tell him to go get the sandwich meat. He looks at me funny and says.."Why"? I tell him we are going to make a giant table sandwich and eat it. Then I of course tell him I'm kidding and serve him the awful pot roast I made.
 I go to pick Blake up from a friends house because they are studying. Yes, I'm laughing when I write this. When I get back I catch the dog eating the mayo of the table!!!!! Eweee...
 The little guys get into helping me clean it up. Guess took the water ring off the table.

After this they head up to bed. I always go with them so we can talk about their day. Aidan is still scared of bloody Mary. So I take him in the bathroom and tell him lets do it. I want him to see that nothing will happen. He tells me we need to turn the lights out. I say alright. He then tells me that I'm asking for it! So there I stand feeling like I'm right back at that sleepover as a kid. I'm embarrassed to say but I was scared shitless. I hate that kind of stuff. I always have. So I say it three times as fast as I can with chills running down my spine. My eyes were closed of course. I just knew she was going to pop out at me. I don't like testing these kind of legends. Surprise, surprise, no bloody Mary. After this I go downstairs. Shorty after this he comes down the stairs screaming. This one is going to take a while to get over I think.
So Aidan is asleep on the couch. I go to sit out back on the patio and talk on the phone. I have these long flowing pants on. When I come in I walk over to the pantry. I feel something on my leg. It kind of feels like a sticker thing. I pull up my pant leg and see a giant and I mean giant roach looking thing. I scream bloody murder. I try to shake it out but I don't know where it went. Aidan wakes up and thinks bloody Mary is getting me. I strip my pants off right there. Now I'm afraid to touch them. I don't want to see how big that thing is. So I stomp on my pants, I'm hoping I killed it. I'm still too freaked out to check.

The teenager comes down. He has his game day shirt on. He tells me it's too big. I tell him tough he has to wear it. Damn thing was 50 dollars. The whole football team will be wearing them. He complains and complains. I tell him he better have that on at school tomorrow. I have a feeling he won't. So I tell him I'm going to stop up there and check. He says..."Like a crazy stalker"? I say that's right. He shakes his head and says..."No, you won't". I tell him I know someone in one of his classes and I'm going to have them take a picture of him in class and send it to me. He walks away and says...Thanks mom for making me dress like some little kid in a daddy shit. After that he gets on the phone to call his friend Will to see if his shirt is big too. Just another day with these people I live with!!!!


Unknown said...

Did the mayo work on the table?

Dawn Kaiser said...

I am laughing so hard! Bloody Mary!!!