Tuesday, August 28, 2012

I'm "Pinteresting".

Well I made through the first two days of back to school. It was crazy getting them all up at different times. I pulled this picture out of the vault. Time is flying. This picture seems like yesterday. It was four years ago! Aidan started kindergarten with stitches over his eye. Blake looks so different. It makes me wonder what the other two will look like in a few years.
Now to 2012. Aidan wanted to look just like his older brothers with a polo and Sperry's. Mama needs a good job! He had a great first day of school. That night while getting ready for bed he tells me he has a problem. We seem to be having a little "Bloody Mary" issue over here. I'm sure most people remember the story of "Bloody Mary". I know I sure do. What I remember is being at a sleepover in grade school. Everyone was being dared to do bloody Mary in the mirror. I remember standing in the mirror saying bloody Mary over and over. With my eyes closed of course. Then I lied and said I saw her. I was scared for months after that to look in a mirror. So Aidan asks me if I know what bloody Mary is. Of course, it's a fantastic cure for a bad hangover. He tells me he was at a friends house and they looked Bloody Mary up on YouTube. Can you imagine what bloody Mary looks like on YouTube?  If I wasn't a chicken shit I would pull it up. If I do I will have a problem with mirrors again. To this day sometimes I think about her at night when I use the bathroom and pass a mirror. I tell him he will be fine. He asks if he can sleep in our bed tonight because he is so scared. You can see his bathroom mirror from his bed unfortunately, and there is no door. So I say that will be fine. Hubs doesn't like the idea. I have to remind Hubs what it is like to be afraid of something as a child. He ends up letting him lay down in there. In the meantime I'm going through all the back to school paper shit and Hubs is on the computer. Hubs always goes to bed before me. When he goes in there Aidan is gone. We find him curled up behind the couch sleeping in the dog bed. Poor little guy. We have a big a armoirer in our room with a full size mirror. It sits right across from our bed. He has afraid she was in there and was going to open it up. Sounds awful doesn't it!

Day two, we are still afraid of bloody Mary. He wants to sleep in our bed again. Hubs is like....If we start this he will never go back to his bed. I feel for the kid. I have a crazy overactive imagination too. I can't watch scary stuff to this day because of nightmares. I totally get why he is scared. So I tell him bloody Mary is not real. He looks at me with this look that only Aidan can give. It reminds me of a deer in headlights. He does this strange line smile that only he can do. It's his nervous smile. He starts to shake his head and says very matter-of-factly that she is going to haunt me forever. I say...WHAT???? He says if you don't believe in her she will haunt you forever. He is dead serious. In my head I'm thinking WHYYYYYY, did you just say this. Now he has me thinking about her again. So I lay down with him till he falls asleep. Thank God he is tired and it doesn't take long. Now I have gone to the bathroom and avoided the mirror. Because I'm crazy! I was even doing something at the sink which has a window behind it. A window with a reflection. I found myself thinking what if bloody Mary pops up in it. I call my sister...aka...Twisty to tell her the story. She is laughing. I tell her I want to pull it up on YouTube. She knows how crazy I can be and tells me not to do it or I will be sorry. I kind of feel like a kid again. Wanting to do something I know I shouldn't. I have a strange feeling I will dream about her tonight.

On the first day of school Cole was nervous. He was going to a new much bigger school. Middle school. When your a mom you just know when your kids are nervous even if they don't say anything. They are just different. I drove him to school so I could try and talk him down. Anyone who really knows me knows I wanted to go back to bed. I drove him and even did some volunteer work at his school. BTW, I totally tooting my horn right now. So he stared out the window most of the way there. When he got there he said he felt sick. I told him it was nerves. This is the first time I have seen this kid this nervous about something. He was my only kid that never cried or guilted me when I dropped him off at school for the first time. He was by far my go with the flow kid. I was kind of shocked. So he got out of my car and puked. I knew he wasn't sick because it wasn't the vomit kind of puke. If your a parent you know the difference. Everything in me wanted to take him back home and tell the school he was sick. I knew this wouldn't help him so I walked him in and sent him off. I did my work there and tried to walk around to find him in the hallway. I saw most of his friends but never saw him. He ended up having a good day. That night we talked about what he is so worried about. He has lots of friends and knows lots of people. I knew it wasn't that. He is worried about not doing well. He has a learning disability just like my oldest. This is a constant challenge for anyone who has a child with anything like this. It is heartbreaking. You know things are harder for them and there is not much you can do to help them. I tell him as long as he tries his hardest nothing else matters. I know he will and that's all I ask.

The next day I have another crazy morning of trying to get three kids up at different times. Cole is the last to go. I tell him I'm going to drive him to bus stop. We miss the bus because it comes ten minutes earlier than last year. Mom of the year didn't read through all that school shit as good as she should have. So I drive him. I ask if he feels better about today. He says...he is fine. I can tell he is not himself yet. So we get close to school and he asks me to pull over. I ask why and he tells me he needs to puke out some nerves. I laugh a little at what he says. It was just a funny way to say that. But my heart is breaking at the same time. What I love about him is he actually cares about doing well. Don't get me wrong I don't want him puking out nerves everyday. My oldest and I crazy love him never really cared how well he did in school. It is a constant fight at my house. He is a fly by the seat of his pants kind of kid. I get it. I was that way too. I will never tell him that though. As sad as I am about Cole I'm happy that he has a passion to do well. It's a relief that he cares.
So since Blake left before 6am both days I didn't get the first day of school picture. When he got home on the first day I asked if I could take a picture of him in front of the house with his backpack. He pretty much said Hell no. He was getting a snack and I got this sneak attack picture. Not the one I pictured in my head but I got what I could. He had little to say about the first day. The only thing he said is they can use their phone in some classes. I found this odd and I may think he is full shit. He did text me during the day to call the school and get him out of a certain class before he kills himself. A little dramatic for my taste. The class he wants to drop is computer programming.

When he got home on his second day Hubs and I tried to tell him computer programming is a great thing to know. He told us he had no interest in that and he wanted to do auto mechanics. As much as I wanted to scream I held it in. I have to remember he is growing into his own man and he is not going to be what I want him to be. I heard the trades are hurting these days anyway since so many people went into computers. Plus it seems like lots of computer people are out of work. I would really love for him to become a famous plastic surgeon. I have an X that became a famous one. Now that's a whole other blog entry.
So since school started back I decided to I was going to put these Pinterest boards to good use. I was going to be Pinteresting. So I made THE BEST FISH TACOS ever according to Pinterest. I do have to say they were pretty darn good.
I went up to tuck Cole in and this is what I found. He was organizing his folders for school. So proud.
Day two of being Pinteresting. I made a chick dish in the crock pot. Kids loved it. Now if only I could move in my pinterest house, with my pinterest clothes, have my pinterest perfect body, and have my pinterest party.

Oh yes and an orzo salad too. I decided when the kids went back to school I was going to attempt to straighten myself out once again. My friend Sue had started an accountability group on line while I was in Chicago. It's a group where we try to motivate each other to workout and eat better. While in Chicago I ate my weight in pizza and drank enough beer to sink a battleship. I stole that saying from my late Grandma. So accountable I was not. Sue took me as a guest to the YMCA tonight. Are you singing that YMCA song in your head? I seem to be. We took a Zumba class. I loved it. It was hard though. At one point the room seemed sideways and I maybe thought I could puke. What a workout though. I left there feeling great. Anywho, more to come with these people I live with and my pinteresting self.

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