Saturday, August 4, 2012

camping like rednecks

 So like I said my Hub's and kids went camping for the weekend. I had the whole house to myself. So last night I got in bed and did bed angels. I woke up at 11 spooning the dog once again. I got up and was lonely...crazy right!!!! I worked out....don't choke on your food...I did work out. I hung around the house for a while. I had dreams of shopping but I headed out to the campsite for a while. Pathetic??? Yep a little bit.
 Last night Hub's sent me a pic of my youngest child with the most redneck haircut I have ever seen.....remember I'm a city gal at heart. So I drive out there and stop at the grocery store to buy them lots of junk food and a few healthy things. When I get to the campsite I'm sorta surprised to see that Cole too has an awful redneck haircut. They did text me that they all had this but I thought they were joking. Cole looks awful!!!! All I can think is I should have never let them go away without me.
We had a great day on the lake.
They wanted me to stay. Um Hell no!!!!! I can't imagine sleeping in a camper with them. The smells would be too much! Plus I'm getting used to these bad angels I've been doing every night.
You might be a redneck if........You have a God awful Haircut!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Shout out to Brian McClure....LOL
So I high tailed it out of there at about ten. When I got to the gate a young boy walked up to the car. I thought he worked there. Him and his friend needed a ride to the main road. So I drove them. My Mom is going to die when she reads this. Anyway they told me how nice my car was. I asked how old they were. They were 20. They asked me how old I was I said 40. Just a little white lie. Who counts after 40 anyway. So I drop them off. One knocks on my driver side window. I roll it down and he says.....Hey can I get a kiss??? He then says...I never have got a kiss from an old hot lady. So I totally made out with him like I was in high school.........Got ya! Just kidding. I said No thanks.....ewweeee!!!! I went home put on lifetime and cried like a baby....Life is good!

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