Sunday, August 26, 2012

'Twas the night before school started.

'Twas the night before school started.....did you hear my big WOOOO WHOOOO?????

Anyone who has read this blog from the start knows I like to re-write shit and put my EVIL genius stamp on it. It is finally the night before school starts. My house is a mess with all the back to school crap. I had a hard time getting motivated today even though I had lots too do. I found myself on the sofa watching TV, Pinteresting on the computer, and yes reading Bared to you. I know what your thinking....I'm a total multi-tasker!!!!! That or I have A.D.D. Anywho, back to school inspired me to re write a great classic poem once again. I did re write this same poem at X-mas one year. So here it goes, judge away! Don't think I'm not judging myself harder. Remember I grew up Irish Catholic.


'Twas the night before school started.....
When all though the house,
Mama was doing a happy dance,
I got back my couch.

The backpacks were lined up...
by the front door with care,
In hopes I got all the school supplies right,
If not I will swear.

The children were nervous...
All snug in their beds,
We are going to have one at every school this year,
Visions of mess-ups are in my head.

And me making lunches...
as Hubs is asleep,
About to have a cocktail,
And kick up my feet.

The house is so quiet....
There is no more clatter,
I sip on my cocktail,
There is no more brain splatter.

I tore open my lap top...
For it is all mine,
I pull up my Pinterest,
And sip on my wine.

My credit card is on fire....
from new school shit,
New Polo and Sperry,
Hubs is sure to have a fit.

More rapid than Eagles...
They charged up my card,
They whistled and shouted,
And called out these names,
American Eagle, Nike, Under Armor, Polo, Sperry, and lids,
To the register they came,
With loot in their hands,
Now Charge away, charge away, charge away, all.
They are dressed better than me,
And that's down right scary.

We hurried home with our bags....
In hopes we would not get greeted by Dad,
Now go to your rooms and pull off those tags,
Lets just pretend this is stuff we have had.

I was tired from summer.....
I'm ready for a break,
I need that six hours,
I'm sick of the constant headache.

These times really do go fast..
As old people love to say,
As much as I love them,
They are causing early grey.

I heard all the "NO FAIRS" I could stand...
I clenched my teeth.
I had to hide in closet,
Since my headache was like a wreath.

I had days I made the famous Mommy scary face....
I acquired quite the beer belly,
From numbing the pain,
Some days I was just downright smelly.

I had good days and bad days....
but now it don't matter,
I laughed and I cried,
And got just a bit fatter.

With a wink of an eye..
The summer went by,
I will miss it I mean it,
But I'm still happy I can't deny.

I'm up to ass  with school supplies....
I do not remember that much stuff as kid,
I bought some tonight, I'm a huge procrastinator.
When the statement comes in Hubs is going to flip is lid.

I look forward to lunches with friends...
And then I will settle in for an afternoon nap,
It's hard being me:)
I will no longer feel like I could snap.

Oh wait, I forgot I will become their driver...
With football and baseball,
I'll live in my car,
This is sure to cause lots of brawls.

There will be field trips and volunteer work.
But I still have that six hours,
It's hard being a Mom,
It's not for a coward.

Happy school year to all...
And to all a good night!!!!!

So I sit here is quiet and I may have happy danced around it a bit. As much as I danced I did have a mommy break down too. I'm about to have three boys at three different schools for the first time. This just scares the shit out of me. It's hard for me to believe how fast the years are flying by. I worry and I mean worry about the one starting high school. I pray everyday that he does well. High school is probably the hardest years for anyone. What kids don't get is it is such a short time in the big picture. We're so impressionable in those years and if you get into the wrong things it can haunt you forever. Since he is popular this scares me more.We all want to be popular when we're  in high school. Once we have our own kids we don't really want them to be popular. We want the crazy nerd that does great in hs and goes on to start things like facebook. I just want things to be perfect for him. In a perfect world right! I hope that he listens to me and takes what I tell him to heart.

Cole is starting middle school. Tonight he had a stomachache in bed. I went up and sat on his bed and talked to him. I told him his stomachache was probably because he was nervous. He looked up at me and started to cry. This truly broke my heart. He told me he thinks he just needs to cry it out. I asked him what are you crying about. I told him he had lots of friends in the same boat as him and this will seem like nothing in a few days. He said he just wants to do good. Wow, I kinda love this kid! I feel for him because he is dyslexic just like my oldest. Everything is harder for him and that just plain sucks! As a mom you want everything to go smooth for our kids and when it doesn't it truly does hurt your heart. Let me tell you something positive. While I was up there calming him down my oldest came in. He asked what was the problem. I told him the situation. He jumped up on the bed and told Cole everything about middle school and told him he would be fine. He told him his fears when he started.  If this wasn't a proud mommy moment for me I don't know what is. He then hopped off the bed and said wait here. He disappeared for a minute and came back with his favorite polo shirt and told Cole he could wear it tomorrow. Yes, my heart sank! Maybe this kid is listening to me!

While I write this my youngest just came down. He can't sleep. He is by far my biggest worry wort of all three. This kid over thinks things to a fault.  He is just like me. I try to break him of this all the time. If your like this you have panic attacks which he has had already. Panic attacks are awful, I know because I have had these since I was a kid too. I don't want him to fear things the way I did and still do at times. It really can stop you from living the life you are supposed too. I pray for him on this everyday too.

So here I write very raw at times. Some people hate it! Other love it. I wish I knew back in my younger years I loved to write my thoughts. I would have totally went to school for that. I would have better grammar for sure. It's funny that sometimes you don't get who your supposed to be till way later in life. My first goal would to to a rock star. Since I can't sing worth a lick that is out the door big time. Katy Perry you are my hero!!!! Second I crazy love taking pictures! Why didn't I know this way earlier in life???? If I did I would get this expensive camera I have now. Last is I crazy love to write, but I'm not very good at it. I'm embarrassed at times how bad the writing is. It has gotten better since I first started. Hubs fights with me lots all the time about the honesty of this blog. He says I put way too much out there. I write this for my kids. I want them to get the good, bad, and evil of parenting when they have their own family! No one ever tells you it's not all roses. I want them to feel normal when they have their own family. No one in the world is perfect, I want them to know life is a roller coaster and they have to put their hands up and scream sometimes. If they hold on tight and have faith in God it will all work out in the end! So many times you want to hold out a white flag and give up on everyone. Your family is the best thing that ever happened to you, unfortunately they hurt you the most at times. Don't be scared, it is because you care about them more than anything in the world.   So does anyone hear my WOOOO. WHOOOO yet?????

So in the am I need to get one up and out the door at 5:30am for football. Another one up at 6:45 to ride his bike to elementary, other one up at 7:15 to get to his first day of middle school! Do you feel my pain???? Oh yes, I'm helping with some crap at the middle school tomorrow thanks to my boosters friend! Life is good with these people I live with!!!!!!Once again bad grammar is awful here on this blog and miss spellings it's just too much about now! No time to proof read! I will probably re-do this when I have the time for it. Before I print all this craziness for my kids I hope to be super wealthy and have a ghost writer to fix this mess! Thank you to all the crazy people who get me! There happens to be a few!!!! LOL God give me strength in the AM!!!!!!

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