Thursday, August 9, 2012

bald and not that beautiful

 So after I high tailed it out of the camping trip on Saturday. I got home to watch lifetime for a good cry. I looked forward to my naked bed angels which are few and far between. While watching lifetime I got a text from my dear friend Michelle. She recently moved about an hour and a half away from me. We met while I was living in Frisco TX. My middle one and her youngest started playing soccer together when they were barely four. We became fast friends. She is what I like to call a workout barbie. She was known in Frisco for her palates classes. Before we formally met my friend Kimberly and I took a few of her classes. We would be at the back huffing and puffing and not being able to keep up or balance on those god awful balls. Michelle had that perfect ass and great personality that we would bitch about when we left. We quit her class because we really could not stand to look at her perfect ass. Instead we would have ladies night and drink beer. This is why we are in the predicament we are in now. Anyway I get a text from her that says her kids are on her to come visit. I say the kids are camping but Hub's says they will be wrapping it up early afternoon Sunday. So Sunday after many naked bed angels I wake up and call Hub's. I tell him Michelle and the kids are coming. I ask him what time I can expect him since they are driving out by us. He tells me they will leave at 3 or 3:30.

This is where my story turns into men are from Mars and Women are from Venus. They get to the house around three. I tell them my family should be on the way. We hang out and catch up. Now Michelle has the gift of gab and can talk forever. I love that about her. I laugh at all her funny stories. At 4:30 when the family should be pulling in I get a text from my friend who is camping with Hub's that says...still on the lake. I will not tell you what I text back but is was not pretty. They roll in about six and I am beyond feeling foolish.

Now here again is my men are from Mars and women are from Venus theory. I'm mad at him and he's mad at me. I'm mad that he didn't call to tell me they would be late. He's mad that I made last minute plans and put them on a time restraints. He doesn't get why I'm mad and I don't get why he is mad. I tell him so if your boss called and asked you when you would be to work and you said 8am. Then your boss calls back at 9:30 and your still in bed would you think that was alright???? Never really got an answer on that but I'm here to tell you he would have been at work at 8am. This is my beef, Marriage is also unfortunate as that sounds it is. I expect the same effort into our marriage as he puts into to work. I just want the same respect an effort he puts into to work. I ask him why he didn't call. His answer is a typical male answer......I knew you would be pissed and I didn't want to deal with it. So now I'm 100 percent more pissed and you like dealing with that???? We never did see eye to eye on this. I'm just wondering if I'm the only one going through this kind of stuff.
 After they finally got back we headed to the famous salt lick for some good BBQ. This is a picture of Amber and Blake. Now Amber and Blake went to school together from kindergarden through third grade before we moved to Austin. It used to crack Michelle and I up because at their brothers games they would not talk to each other but would do silly things to get each others attention. Blake would roll down hills like a jackass and she would jump up and down like a typical girl. After we moved here they would come and visit and Blake and her would sleep in the game room with the dog barely saying two words to each other. It's funny because one of Michelle's sisters moved two blocks away from us about three years ago. Small world right.??? Anyway last time they came these two also said about two words to each other. This time same thing. After they left I asked Blake what he thought about Amber. He said....She is hot. I laugh because boy had no game and I think I'm aright with that. This is one of my perfect arranged marriage girls. I like the parents and that girl is perfect for him right???? I believe this is not how it will turn out. They do make a cute couple though.
 While at salt lick we had to laugh. There was this guy there that carried a teddy bear in this contraption. I tried to get a better picture but didn't want to be obnoxious. But really...weird right?????? His wife was pregnant so I guess he was practicing!!!! What a jackass!
 Cole who is not really bald and beautiful still maintained his entertainment status. Boy went outside while we waited  for food and made friends with all the people waiting. Yet he wants me to get him out of drama class...go figure. If our kids could only age in reverse they would know we knew what was best for them.
Anyway since bald is not really beautiful in this family. You will not see many pictures of them till their hair grows out. I still want to strangle Hub's for letting them do this. Aidan really did have that perfect sun kissed hair, the kind we all would give our hubs nut for. Now don't get me wrong I do believe bald is beautiful when someone loses their hair because they are fighting cancer. So all weekend my house that happens to be for sale remained perfect except for bad sheets due to naked bed angels. They and I mean these people I live with were home for five minutes and my kitchen looked like this. The only thing I can say about them is they are like bad house guest!!!!!!

So tonight I went to a football meeting that ended up at a bar. Your shocked right??? What I can say about this is.....ladies night used to be topics about your movie star get out of jail free card. Now that I have a teenager ladies night has turned into...what are we going to do with a teenager. How will we handle teen drinking and teen sex and WTF do we do with teenagers???? I want to believe I'm a good mom but I'm here to tell you when your kids get to a certain age you are clueless. I think back to my teens...though I spent a lot of mine grounded I know what was going on when I wasn't. This scares the shit out of me. I think teenagers are our parents revenge on us. I just pray to God every day that he gives me strength and guides me in the right direction. All  the things that I swore at Blake's age I could handle I don't believe my kids can handle.

On one last note. I brought this stone Mary home from Chicago from my Grandmothers yard. It had been there as long as I can remember. I didn't put her in the yard I put her on my fireplace. Now I have always had very vivid dreams. My dreams always seem to revolve around my Grandmothers house. Since she died I still dreamed about her house. The dreams were always in her house or around her house but always different. Once in a while she was in them but few and far between. Since I put that Mary on my mantel I have been still dreaming about her house. Hub's snores like a crazy mother you know what. Most nights I get my pillow and a blanket and end up on the sofa across from Mary. Since I got home I have had vivid dreams of my Grandmothers house but now she is there. I probably loved my Grandmother more than most people, I always looked up to her more than anyone besides my parents. Well truth be told I love my parents more than anyone but my Grandmother was perfect to me. So I've been dreaming a lot about her and is it like she is here in the present. When I wake up I find myself wanting to go back to sleep to have more time with her. I know what your thinking.......I'm drinking......that is not the case. I have not been drinking in fact I have been bitching at my belly that won't go away. I shake it and say....You asshole, I gave up drinking, dr peppers, cheeseburgers, and I'm working out and your still here...WTF. I'm serious too I do shake it around to bitch at it!!!!!!!! sorry for bad grammar and miss much as I wish I was a writer or a rock star it is just not in my cards......

1 comment:

Banana Hammock (LJ) said...

I ind it interesting you title your article "Bald Is Not Beautiful", then there is a big picture of me with my bald head. Cold.