Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Santa comes a little early!

We are opening the rest of our gifts tonight because we are heading to Dallas tomorrow for the holidays. I get the kids a family gift every year. This year they get Kinect for Xbox. I secretly can't wait to play this. I really can't wait till the Michael Jackson dance and sing along comes out in February. I hope Thriller is on it. Hub's and I are trying to figure out what to do about the Santa situation. We want the kids to get their stuff under our tree. Plus the little guys are getting Razor motorcycles, way to big to take anyway. We run a few ideas past each other. Hub's says...Lets do it tonight! I think he is crazy at first. Then I think there is really no other time to do it, unless we do it after X-mas. The kids are all upstairs busy with the gift they just opened. I agree and we start this craziness! I take them out of the house to Walgreen's while Hub's gets the stuff ready. Everything is in our bedroom ready to go when we get back. After we get back we send them upstairs to play a game on their new Kinect. Hub's scrambles putting stuff under the tree while I guard the stairs. He has it all set up so I take some pictures while he guards the stairs. Now it comes down to HOW DO WE EXPLAIN WHY SANTA CAME ON WEDNESDAY NIGHT WHILE THEY WERE UPSTAIRS. Because he is magic, of course.

I write a quick letter to them and put it on the tree. I disguise my handwriting, of course! I tell them I had to come early since they would not be here on X-mas. I tell them to leave me cookies and their stockings at MiMi's. The stocking were just brain overload for me at this point. I need a day or two to prepare this. Plus they need something fun on X-mas day. Next I grab the jingle bells off the stairs I run through the down stairs jingling these bells yelling HO, HO, HO, in a deep voice trying not to laugh.

It looks great downstairs and I may be more excited then them.

They run to the stairs, that is the two little guys. I tell them hurry up and get Blake. They want to know what all the noise was about. I tell them Santa was here.

They at first think I'm pulling their leg. I am in some ways, but Santa really was here. They are really excited, especially since this came out of left field.

I LOVE Blake's kind of says.....WHAT THE HECK, ARE YOU FREAKS FOR REAL?????? This is of course since he is the one who knows there is No such thing as Santa. I believe he thinks we have gone off the deep end.

That is until he realizes he got the computer he wanted. Now he he doesn't think we are that freaky.

This really went off with out a hitch. That is until Aidan saw Hub's throw the jingle bells into the laundry room. Aidan pulled me aside to ask why Hub's had Santa's bells. I tell him Santa left them here so we will have to return them. He then shows Cole the bells, who tells Aidan....."I saw those bells in my room when Mom was setting up for X-mas, those are, our bells". Shit I have to retract my story and make it believable. I tell them Santa landed in the yard and came in through the garage to bring the gifts. He asked if I had a set of bells, since it is not actually X-mas. I gave him my bells to use. He dropped the gifts and the note, used my bells, yelled HO, HO, HO, with some laughs and left lighting fast. They totally bought this bullshit and now I'm exhausted and can't believe I can lie sooooo fast! Well I am giving myself a little too much credit they do still fall for "secret cameras".

All I have to say is.... I hope to God I earned my angel wings when I go! This picture right here makes it all worth it! These people I live with just aren't that smart yet Thank God!

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