Sunday, June 6, 2010

natural disasters

I wasn't woken up to any fighting. I had high hopes for a good day with these people I live with. I started my day going through E-mails. Now I'm going to vent just a little. I hate those damn E-mails you get that want you to send to ten friends or bad shit will happen. Reminds me of the old days when you get those God awful chain letters. Back then I would always do them out of fear. I can usually tell if the E-mail is going that way so I hit delete before I get to the end. There are certain people that I don't usually open their E-mails because they are famous for these. Now I worry enough for ten people so the last thing I need is to worry about something bad happening from not forwarding an E-mail. After I come back from checking E-mails I find Aidan eating cereal on the sofa which is a huge no no. I love it when I bust them and they look at me like I'm the crazy one.
It's approximately 10 am we have already gone through a box an a half, almost a gallon of milk, and a half box of goldfish. It's going to be an expensive summer. My days of being a stay at home mom might be coming to a screeching halt. I can no longer afford these people I live with.
I'm already tired of finding empty cans and chip bags all over the place.

I swear I raise these kids to be better than this. I'm slowly losing control. I'm just going to stop buying these kind of things. When they ask why I will pull out these pictures.

To top the day off they emptied a cabinet in the laundry trying to find something in it. I call them in and ask them if they think there is a little house fairy that will follow them around and clean up. Hubby comes home comes out of the bedroom and says his very expensive watch and ring are missing. I have a feeling the two little guys might know what happened to them. They watched the spy next door and the spy had a spy watch and spy ring. They have been running around all day acting like spies. I go out to the garage and tell the kids I have something to ask them and it's really important that they tell me the truth. I can't use my secret camera trick thanks to Blake busting me. I could strangle him for telling them right when summer started. I tell Cole and Aidan if they tell me the truth about what I'm about to ask them they will not be in trouble at all. I figure this will teach them not to lie. So I proceed to ask if they know where their Dad's watch is. Cole says right away they borrowed it and hid it. I tell them thanks for telling me the truth but they can not take things from other people without asking. They go into the laundry room to get me back the stolen watch and ring. Hubby walks in and blows his top about this. Now everything I just told them about getting in trouble just went right out the door. Now Cole is crying in the corner telling me I lied to him. I try to explain to Cole that it was my fault because I didn't tell hubby that I had already handled the situation. Another case of bad communication between hubby and me. Hello can you say men are from Mars and women are from Venus. Communication seems to be a constant fight even after 14 years of marriage.

Ok, NUFF SAID, by this picture??????????????

1 comment:

Kimberly said...

The pictures cracked me up! Looks like my house!!