Saturday, November 24, 2012

Being a Mother is so much more than I bargained for.

 So Thanksgiving has come and gone once again. I always think I have so many things to be Thankful for. We drove to Dallas this year for Thanksgiving. It was the first time in five years that we spent Thanksgiving with family. See this picture....I look happy right? That would be my oldest. A high school kid! While I write this way too late that high school kid is ransacking my kitchen in the not so quiet way!!!! All I want is quiet at this time. I kind of want to scream....I have learned to scream in my head most of the time. What I can say is I'm extremely thankful for this blessing even if I happen to be cussing him in my head my right now. I keep saying...Look at the picture, look at how happy you are with him. Damn when did he get bigger than me??? I want nothing but great things for this kid. When I had him I imagined the great things he would do in life. Now I'm having a hard time getting him to pass a certain class. He has dyslexia so things do come hard for him. I'm sure it is a hard thing when you see it come easier for your friends. When I see parenting come easier to some friends I want to throw in the towel too. But I don' I expect the same from him. I have done everything I know how to do. I have done things I don't know how to do. I can't for the life of me get through to this kid. I have talked to him, yelled at him, taken things away from him, grounded him, cried in front of him, and begged him to do better. I wish he had the motivation to do want to do better. I have thought of me at his age. When my parents were on me I shut down. I'm going to try a new approach with him. I'm going to put it on him. I'm going to tell him I hope like hell he succeeds but it's up to him and it's out of my hands. I hope this works!!!!!!!!! Do you see how happy I am in this photo????? I will not be happy if he doesn't fly the coop. Do you hear me universe?????
 And then there is pig pen! I don't think your ever supposed to start a sentence in "and" but whatever. Pig pen has also gave me that run for the money that no one ever tells you about. I put him on some anxiety medication even though I was against it. The doctor we saw made me feel like a fool when I said I did not want medication. He said "why would I want my kid to suffer when meds might help". That about killed me. The bottom line was my baby was suffering and nothing was working. The medication seems to help him. Even though I'm against medicating kids I have to say it seems to calm his overactive mind down. I just hope I have made the right decision for him. I just know this kids amazing and will do amazing things in life...probably because he over thinks! I just really hope I'm making good decisions for him when he can't! I look happy in the picture right???
 And then there is the Drama queen! I probably shouldn't call him a queen and start a sentence with "and" but whatever. I look happy in the picture right??? This one does make me laugh almost everyday of my life! That's a big thing for me. He happens to be the middle child. He is a typical middle child. Blaming and complaining a lot. This middle child has no middle. He is extremely happy or extremely not happy. I have a very hard time showing him the middle. Would I change him???? No, well maybe! He fears almost nothing. When pig pen fears death drama queen tells him everyone dies so he needs to deal with it. The first time I heard him say this was in Frisco TX. That was where we last lived. Cole was in kinder and Aidan was in pre school. They were bathing together. I was in the next room getting towels. Aidan had gone under the water and came up like one of those crazy cats you see on Hallmark cards. You know the ones who's eyes are popping out of their heads. Aidan freaked out fearing that he came close to death. I had a hard time calming him down. While trying to calm him down I had Cole in the background telling him he would die someday because everyone dies. This was not helping at all. Out of all my kids I see this one being an incredible husband and father some day. He has loved the same girl since we moved here and has this crazy patience for young kids at his age. Do I look happy in this picture???? I am about to slap him!
Do I look happiest in this picture??? I looked back and thought I don't think so thank God! Maybe right now my stoner dog makes me happy....but in the long run maybe one of these people I live with will take over. Since it's Thanksgiving I do have to say I'm actually happy for these people I live with even if they cause pre-mature aging and grey hair! I'm not re-reading or proof reading...Sorry!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My kid was incredibly smart, but incredibly unmotivated. Not punishing him is good, but he's a kid, so you can't put it all on him. You need to find what motivates him. My kid wanted to be a pilot. We couldn't afford flight school, so he knew he was going to have to be a military officer, which meant graduating high school.

If Blake isn't motivated to work on it just to succeed, then help him figure out what he wants to do with his life. Even if he just wants to drink beer and play video games, that costs money, and he'll have to do something to pay for it. Since college grads make almost twice as much as high school grads, that should do a lot to convince him right there.

Good luck with it - I had enough trouble with one. Glad Aidan's doing better.
