Monday, February 28, 2011

FebruKerry=5 dollar footlongs

So the golden jerks flew home Tuesday. I spend Wednesday pretty down in the dumps. Not for long though, it's still FebruKerry. Some friends and I head out for dinner and drinks. It's hard being Kerry in February.

We have such a great time at Mandola's in Driftwood.

The cute very young waiter overhears that it's FebruKerry. He brings me the most delicious ice cream. He kind of looks a little like Edward standing there in the background. We can't stay out to late because someone has to get these people out the door in the am.

Now my friend Doug nicknamed this month FebruKerry last year. He was poking fun at me but I just love it. That was until Subway came out with a commercial that says.......FebruAny, and then it says....5 dollar foot longs! Now every time I say FebruKerry I can't help but sing 5 dollar foot longs. The last thing I want my birthday linked with is a foot long.

Thursday morning I get everyone up and out the door. I can't go back to sleep because I have to go to work. After work I head out to Blake's track meet. Who knew this kid would turn out to be a pole vault guy. I have thought many times about catapulting these people over the fence but now I get to watch it.

He does pretty well. There are three schools competing in this meet.

While uploading these pictures I am taken back how old my baby looks. It's just weird for me.

So this am I woke up got everyone out the door and went back to sleep. I wake up around ten and I have zero motivation to get up. I lay there and try to meditate at first. This never goes well for me since I can not get my over active mind to slow down. So now I'm laying there arguing with myself in my head. Workout or sleep, I hate Mondays. All of the sudden that Abba songs pops up in my head. Don't ask me why. I start to change the words hoping it will motivate me. So I start singing in my can exercise, you can exercise, Your going to have the time of your life because your the exercise queen. Your old and fat with muffin top, it's just because your 41. now get your ass out of the bed. You see you there on that elliptical machine. You can exercise. Now I'm laying here thinking I may just be losing it. So I get up and I go exercise...yeah for me! Today was the last day in FebruKerry and I'm sad.

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