Monday, February 14, 2011


Behind on my blogging once again as I am in life. I can't believe I turned forty one this week. WTF, where is the time going?????? The family and I headed to Red Robin for some greasy cheeseburgers on Wednesday.

They spent the time bickering and fighting while I had visions of myself sitting at a different table with the Vamp BY MYSELF. They bitched and complained about getting quarters so they could go play the games in the place. I was really ready to pull my hair out by the end of the night. I thought WHY did I think this could be a nice family night where we could all just get along. Silly me I should know better by now.
Friday night the night of my Bday Cole helped me make dinner. We had some friends who stopped by later in the night for some totties and dropped off some gifts! Thank God for good friends they almost keep me slightly sane.

My friend Ashley showed up with two of my favorite things......Beer and a big hard penis. Laugh My frickin ass off.

My friend Jen showed up earlier this day with a giant picture of me. It was a mosaic of all my facebook pictures. Where does one hang a giant mosaic of their face????? I actually have plans for this and it's going to be good. My friend Robin showed up with a T-shirt that says......"Fucking Fabulous" and some birthday bitch balloons. We had a lot of fun hanging out that night. Best of all Hub's surprised my with a new coach purse that he picked out himself. That was by far the sweetest gift of all. I was really surprised and impressed. Now I have to come up with a nice sweet way to switch it out for a different color. I don't want to hurt his feeling but a man should never pick out your purse unless he is gay. I love the style but color is not what I would have picked.

The next morning I woke up and was running late for Cole's basketball game. I know you guys are all surprised by this. Robin had put some Birthday Bitch Balloons on my car. I had no time to get them off so I went to the game, parked in the elementary school lot, and let all the kids walking by ask their parents what Bitch was! I know I'm Mom of the year but now I just may be citizen of the year too. It's hard being me! After the game I got ready to head to San Antonio with some people I don't live with....Thank God.
I wore my giant wooden dick around my neck and my Fucking Fabulous T-shirt under my party shirt. I may have just yelled look at me, look at me, while I danced around with a balloon under my shirt singing at the top of my lungs. This is all I will say about this night. Thank God there is not a Housewives gone wild DVD out there, I may have ended up on it. We headed back home Sunday morning feeling not so fucking fabulous. Last year since I was turning forty almost every weekend we did different things for my Birthday. My smart ass friend Doug re-named the month of February.....FebruKerry. I actually kind of like that! This month is kind of turning into another FebruKerry since my parents are coming next weekend.

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