Sunday, October 27, 2013

Random thoughts by Kerry

I haven't had a lot of time to think lately. It's frickin football season for Gods sake. Remember I live in Texas this shit is like a cult. Early mornings, late afternoons, frickin rides to fuck its far ville places! We have been in this football stuff since school let out in June! But it's about to come to a halt in about two weeks! Thank you Jesus this gerbil is about to get off that wheel. . So this blog has been the last thing on my's too bad I don't have a sister wife because there has been so much good blog material....but it's all gone now! It got sucked up on those awful car rides to practices and games with these people I live with! Those car rides just kill my brain cells I'm afraid! I can't remember shit.......I even look for shit that's in my hand....for Gods sake! I'm only hoping that this driving three kids playing sports and going to three different schools gets me a fast pass to heaven.....when I'm 100! God knows I'm going to need it since some UN flattering stuff as flown out of my mouth during this time!

Anyway...I was thinking some random thoughts....I can't really remember after writing that last paragraph. Oh yes....I was Face booking tonight. I came across a great article. It was about if the person only knew certain things in her younger years.....would her life be different! It got me thinking random thoughts! Like for one....Do you ever think your supposed to be something your not???? Well I think that all the time! I'm a legend in my mind in a way. I'm supposed to be Katy Perry...really. I would be such a good Katy. I'm a total firework.....especially when my kids aren't doing what they are supposed to. OMG, last Friday who knows what happened....I mean really...I need to write this shit into songs like her. Hot and cold....please is anyone else going through the change??? Then the is hear me roar....just ask my neighbors about this one, or my kids! I can roar. I would make a great Katy! Plus to have sex with John Mayer singing "your body is a wonderland" in my ear.....yep never thought about that! Always wanted to be a rock star....first, but my dreams were squashed when I couldn't sing worth a shit! Woe is me..damn universe for not listening to my dream!

But really the article said if you knew certain things in your younger years would your life be different? I think for most part anyone out there the answer would be.......absolutely. I mean really can you imagine the possibilities if you knew what you know now in your younger years......You would know a lot of shit! A lot of bullshit that happened to you, you would handle like a rock star! You could be a step ahead on everything. So I sit here thinking random thoughts...I might be able to write a movie if I put effort into this. Like I said...I'm a legend in my own head! So the first thought that comes to mind is.......The first guy that broke my heart. Instead of acting like a crazy school girl with no self esteem, jumping on his car as he left me....OMG I would never do that now! ....I would have told him to fuck right off, because in the big picture he only fucked up every relationship that followed...but he meant nothing, I would say...don't let the door hit ya in the ass....because I know there is something better out there for me.  But in my day I cried carried on and thought the world ended!  How many of y'all wouldn't pay money to have a do over on that first heartbreak?????  I might just have more than one do over in this department. Then there are never really get that saying.....Friends come and go and family is forever. When your young you test this theory. You can't believe it at all. You might trade your family for these friends at times. But ya get older and learn a painful lesson. Now most of us are lucky to have found a few friends that really do have our back. But I have learned in this life that there are those that act like they are friends but they are really not. They frickin talk a lot of shit behind your back! I do have a few friends that I can really count on one hand that I trust....My sis being number one...who would have thought!  I have been really burned by a few.....still in my later years wondering why they did me wrong. I started out super naive....So my random thought many friends that came across your path would you still have????

How many of ya out there would have not slept with someone you slept with???? Oh I can think of one! Or better many of you would HAVE slept with someone you didn't???? Oh I can definitely think of one or two.....jeez! My mind just went in the gutter....literally....

I could go on forever about what I would do if I knew then what I know now! But I went right to boys...LOL The part about brains and learning shit is not interesting but I would do that over too!!!!! So these are my random thoughts...annoying right!!!!

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