Friday, October 18, 2013

Pranking is good for the soul

 So anyone who is a regular reader knows for a while I was in a pranking war with my former neighbor. She kind of out did me.....I hate to lose! So a few weeks ago I got this call. It was my friend freaking out. There was a snake in her sons room.....a giant live snake. She cried on the phone with me telling me the story. As much as I felt her pain a light bulb was going off the whole time. Evil laugh! I kept thinking this is it! My time to shine. My time to get her back for outdoing my last prank. Now my last prank had to do with a scary show "The River" that I think only her and I were watching. Since it got cancelled the first season. I hung dolls in her four....I thought I was great! Until she hung like 500 in my trees. Not to mention put one under my bed with an alarm that went off at two am. Out did for sure! Then I tried to put a fake deer in her yard after she told me she was afraid of them. It broke into pieces since we had a wind storm before she saw But this time is my time to shine!!!!!! I like to shine if ya know me at all. So when her blood curdled over this eyes lit up! And then the wheels started turning...... and turning and turning! Visions of snakes all over her house was in my head! A lot! So for weeks I plotted! And collected A LOT of snakes!!!!!! I was so excited about it I almost peed my pants several times!!!!!! After collecting 30 something snakes....I was ready to go.

It couldn't have happened anymore perfect. I was at the football game Friday night. She text and says..."We are going to Dallas...can you let the dog out". I text right back..."Of course I can". I mean what are friends for right! I got super excited....visions of the snakes everywhere in her house made me smile! So Saturday I was at work.....Yes, I have a damn job now...woe is me! My friend Staci stopped in. She bought a bunch of snakes from the dollar store. We giggled about it. We were going to a costume party that night. We planned on stopping by to let her dog out and plant the snakes. So Staci came to the house that night. We went to Erin's house armed in snakes. We laughed our asses off putting snakes everywhere. In boots, purses, drawers, her bed, shower, and toilet. Then we headed to the party with a prank buzz! Now Erin was on her way back from Dallas at this point. I was waiting for the call!
 About two hours into the party I get a text.....It says..."We are no longer friends". I text back and say.."What I let LuLu out". She text..."Can't talk I'm wiping urine from the floor from when I held it the last 30 minutes of our trip and ran to the potty, didn't turn the lights and ripped my pants down and was just sitting down as I caught the sight of something glowing in my toilet!!!! Mind you I had already started peeing!!!!! Screaming bloody murder and the rest is history. I was running peeing when Zack comes in to save the day....And then he starts laughing.......Then my poor innocent daughter decides to shower ...we are medicating her now!!!!!!" I text back....evil laughing..."What the heck are you talking about????". She text back..."Kerry, own it claim it be proud you just earned major street credit".
So the next night we went over there for dinner....yes, I still got an invite! When I get there I see most of the snakes in her sink. A few more text had gone back and forth about snake findings since then. So I walked in kind of gloating over my one up ya prank. We laughed about it. We were all sitting out in her back yard when I went to the bathroom. I grabbed some of the snakes from the sink. I walked out casually trying to hold it together with those snakes in my pants. I sat down behind her and started putting those snakes under her chair. Trying to seriously hold back belly laughing. Then I waited for the reaction.........It was better than I thought! She jumped and screamed as if that Halloween Jason guy was after her! Earlier in the night she showed my a purse in a box she got for her up coming Bday! Said she was not opening it again till her bday. Lights went off again. I put a snake in the box. So I got a text a day later about the snake in her bday box.....I text back.."That's what you's not your bday yet and you found that snake!

Anyway...when I left that night she said..."I'm getting you back so bad I had to clear the prank with your husband". She shouldn't have warned me...I'm on the look out now....It better be good! Plus if it's too bad and Hubs knows about I may just have a get out of jail free card for life! Bring it Erin....I'm always going to be one step ahead! Plus real snakes don't scare me...Don't think if she gets me good I won't plant a real friendly one in her bed! Food for thought!

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