Monday, October 7, 2013

25 years out of HS.....holy shit!

So this weekend was my 10 I mean 25 year high school reunion. Oh my, how time flies! I feel like it's ten. I didn't go:( Too much going on in my kids world which I happen to live in. In fact I have not made one reunion yet. My ten year I had just given birth to the not so charming prince.....who happened to be really charming at that time. But truth be told I was fat at my ten year.....who the hell wants to go to a ten year reunion fat???? I gained 70 pounds with that prince. My twenty year I think I was busy....can't remember.....I think I was skinny again though. So I'm kind of sorry I didn't put myself first this time and go. OMG, the thought of being away from these people for a weekend is bliss.

So I watched all the post and the pics from the 25 year. Looked really fun. I regretted not going right away. Here's the thing though. I moved while in high school. So most of the people in high school had ties before I got there. The kind of ties I had with people I had gone to school with since kinder. I had friends....but it was different. Don't get me wrong I made some really good friends in high school. I don't think anyone should move in high school if they don't have to though. When I started there I was not the cool new girl everyone wanted to meet. I looked like I should have been in the 8th grade even though I was a sophomore. I was all of 90 pounds. No curves no nothing if you get what I'm throwing down. I learned quick that if I was funny people would like me. I eventually made friends. But remember I was there for two and a half short years. I never really dated anyone from my high school.....except John Wesloski. I feel down the stairs while holding his hand once! Epic was over shortly after that!

So I have been thinking a lot about the last 25 years. Ya know, what I've done, learned, and experienced. Now some people love when I get my thinking cap on in this blog. Others love to make fun of me and judge me. It is what it is though. To all you haters out there...I don't care....well maybe a little....I kind of hate when people don't like me. I'm working on that though!

So as much as I hate list here it goes!!!!!

1....I moved out of state to get away from a bad break up....young and dumb. I would never be so crazy now. What was I thinking???????? I mean really!!! At the time I was thinking I was going to make a huge a statement to the guy who did me wrong. Not thinking about how it would effect anyone else. My parents hated it! My plan was to go for a while and not stay forever. But then I met hubs.....a few months later. 17 years of marriage and three boys later I'm still gone. It's not been an easy road. There are times I would give his left nut to go back home. But I've made the best of it for the most part. I really like where we live now....most of the time. Even if this town is small and keeps getting smaller when your kids enter HS!

2...I have learned that family is forever and friends come and go. Now when I was in HS I thought friends were forever. I'm now trying to school my high school kid on this.  I liked my friends  way more than my family in high school. Young and dumb for sure. What you learn along the way is your family is stuck with you.  And even if your from a family like mine. You talk shit about each other but you always have each others back in the end. If I was shitting 100's out my ass I would live half and half. Half my time in Chicago and half my time here. Damn it that "ask the universe" shit doesn't work.

3....I have learned that while I was in bed as a kid imagining my perfect husband and perfect kids.......That's a frickin fairy tail. Nothing in life is perfect. As much as I try to tell myself I'm perfect...I'm not. Nor is my family, my marriage,  or anything.....woe is me! It's hard to come to terms with this. What do I think of as perfect???? Lots of things. Being able to be the perfect daughter, perfect wife, mother, and friend. I'm a work in progress....for sure! God help me.

4....I have had money and not had money. Is there a difference???? Um hell yes! It's much easier to have money. Don't let those people tell you different! People that say money doesn't buy happiness are just trying to make themselves feel better. Money buys great boots and boots make me smile big!

5....I have worked and stayed of both worlds???? Not so much! When I worked I was happier. Now when I worked I always bitched about those stay at home moms...Jealous for sure. Then I became one! Overrated for me comes to mind. Too much time to think. I know there are those Moms who love it.....they make me feel bad for sure!  Staying home can actually drive you nuts. Just ask my therapist....oh wait I need one. No time with adult interaction except to put out is for the birds! My God...for a while I stood in the driveway waiting for neighbors to come home!!! So I could talk to an adult!

6.....I birthed three boys.......always wanted girls but wouldn't change a thing now. Ask me this same question when I have no one to hang with in my later years.

7.....I learned I love writing and photography. I wish I knew this when I was in school. I would probably be better at both!

8....I learned beer is good, people are crazy, and God is great! Thank you Billy.....for making that clear! I totally could have wrote that song.

9.....I learned that my Grandma was the one person I would miss the most in life. I hate that she is gone. I miss her every day. I wish I would be able to tell her how much I miss her! I hate that her house is being renovated for another family to move into! This was my place! My memories. My safe place..Alrighty now I sound like a crazy loon!

10...OMG, I'm only on ten....don't know if I can hit 25! So ten is I've been slightly over weight and almost too skinny in my time! I like slightly too skinny.

11...I finally get that a man just sees a naked girl. He is not looking at a dimple, or a fat pocket, he just sees naked....So we all need to stop stressing about it. I would much rather be naked in front of a man than a women. Women would point out all the imperfections. It only took me 40 years to figure this out.  The nice thing about being a little fat...I have curves! Plus I look perfect naked....blaaaa haaa haaaa.....

12....I think everyone should have a dog or some kind of pet! They get you through the bad! I have the best dog in the world....Don't know what I would do without him.

13....I think everyone should have a best friend..the person you can tell anything to. The one who doesn't judge or tell other people. I have one thank God. It's my sister!  I don't know what I'd do without her! She is my go to person. I hope everyone had someone like her! Now in high school I would have bet the farm that these words never came out of my mouth. She was a huge pain in my ass when we were young! Plus she was the biggest snitch.

14.....I have lived in two places since High school. Dallas and Austin. Austin is my favorite. And I have owned five houses. I never imagined I would be building my dream house someday....feeling blessed!

15....If I could figure out a way to get paid to watch shit TV I would be a billionaire.

16.....I have been on several vacations. Skiing is my least favorite! Both times I peed my pants from laughing so hard. The beach is my favorite. I'm a lazy bitch.

17.....I finally get that mama knows best.....even if I have fought this truth for years! I find myself saying the same annoying in one ear out the other shit my parents used to say. I even annoy myself.

18....I have done more laundry and cleaning than I care to talk about! I'd like a polish wife!

19...I have spent the last 12 years watching my kids play sports almost every weekend. I'm like a gerbil in a wheel.

20....I have learned being a Mom is by far the hardest thing I ever done. My kids are all going to need therapy.

21....I have watched one of my children turn into a man in a blink! That's some scary shit.

22....I stay up too late and sleep too late......

23....I can't diet worth a shit....I have zero will power!

24...I find "Selfy" pictures super entertaining....

25....Thank God this list is over......The biggest thing I have learned is I wish my name was LuLu and I lived in an apartment downtown by myself.......Kidding....kind of! I have learned that when you become a Mom you finally understand what unconditional love is. Now my teenager test this theory all the time. He can be a total shit bird! I sometimes fantasize about him with shitty teenagers when he's a Dad! Makes me smile! Not proof reading....I'm a lazy bitch! Sorry for any mistakes!

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