Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Pig Pen has a girlfriend

It's been a busy few months for sure. Two playing football, one playing baseball, I started a job, and we are STILL building my/our dream house. Yes, it's been over a year now!!!!!!!! I have refrained from blogging during this time. No body wants to hear me cuss like a sailor. Especially my Dad...aka...Grumps! So we are about three months into the school year. It's had its up and downs for sure. Car rides with these people make me feel like my ears are bleeding sometimes. If you live in the area you have probably seen me swerving down 290 at least ten times a day. I'm usually yelling, crying, or laughing depending on the day. My Mom...aka Debbie tells me I will miss these days someday. I would love to say she is wrong but she probably is right. My children seem to think that being in my car gives them a fast pass to any fast food restaurant in the area. They are always STARVING when in the car. Even if they just ate or are about to eat. They can be such drama queens. They also think as soon as they get in the car they can play their music. Because they own the car right??? Guess what no one wants the same music on in the car. It's like they get in the car and grow red horns and tails with that diamond thing on the end. They try to parent each other and insult each other over everything. They are most annoying. Hard to imagine that I will miss this someday! If you ever see me running on 290 you will know they finally broke me. This will mean I have parked the car and gave up! Send help!!!! They sound like a bunch of assholes don't they???? Well they can be in the car!

Lately we have been arguing about "Their" money. They think that because they have some they should be able to waste in on anything they please. I try to tell them I have money too. I can't just spend it on anything I please. Cole...aka....Big Drama says..."You buy what ever you want at HEB". I laugh and say..."HEB, is the grocery store, I have to buy that crap to keep you alive, it doesn't count". Aidan...aka...Pig Pen chimes in that I get to buy boots. I say...."I work you shit bird, and when you do you can buy boots". I say "if it were up to me I would have way more boots and much more expensive boots but y'all bleed my boot fund dry with your sports". They keep arguing their point. Coming up with ridiculous things I spend money on. I finally say "Ya know what, I'd really like to have this annoying fat sucked out of my chin, but I can't.....even if I have the money to do it because you just can't spend money on whatever you please". Unless you shit it!!!!!! They look at me like I have three heads and dangling eyeballs! And then they start to argue that it's their money. Can't wait till they have their own children.

So Pig Pen has his first girlfriend. They text non stop. I have a good time checking his text. Because they are ridiculous. She loves to send him pics of everything she is doing. Their text are pretty funny and a little dramatic. So last night I was checking his phone after he was asleep. I seriously was laughing out loud!!!! They use those Emoji's after every text. Tons of hearts and smiley faces doing all kinds of crazy things! Every text starts with a "HeHe or HaHa". It also ends with a "HeHe or HaHa". Then lots and lots of emoji's. So it's usually something like..."Hehe....watch ya doing? HaHa...hearts, flowers, and smileys. But last night they had a breakup. I hate that I was laughing but damn it was entertaining. Almost as entertaining as "the girls of drip" can get. So I have to share.

GF.....We're breaking up. For sure this time......
Pig Pen....Why???? Followed by tons of crying smiley people.
GF....I heard you are just dating me cause I'm so popular....Followed by a crying smiley.
Pig Pen....What are you talking about???? Followed by a crying smiley and then a sad face one.
GF...So and So told me that.....Followed by a thumbs down emoji
Pig Pen....WHAT??????? No emoji to follow, no hehe or haha either! (this is serious)
GF...... 1.U never talk to me!!!!
            2.I hear things you say!!!!!
            3. You talk about the most retarded stuff!!!!
            4...I don't want to date you, you are weird!!!
            5..Sorry, it's just how it is..
Pig Pen.....But I love you....Followed my so many heart EMOJI's It was ridiculous.
GF....I'm sorry it's over....Not a hehe, haha, heart or smiley.
Pig Pen.....One more chance PLEASE...(I didn't teach him to be so desperate)
Some time goes by.
Pig Pen....I will do anything.....(I wish he would have consulted me before sending that)
GF....What would you do?????
Pig Pen...ANYTHING, I mean it!!!!!!
GF....Fine but this is your last chance with me.
Pig Pen....so many heart and smiley emoji's it's embarrassing.
GF....1...last time I mean it.
          2...you better do something nice for me.
          3..you better talk to me.
Pig Pen..OK with a winking smiley.

OMG, I was rolling. So dramatic and ridiculous. To be a kid in this day and age! He gets his first taste of how high maintenance us girls can be!!!!!!

I have to end with a funny car story.....Cole...aka Big Drama and I were driving to school. We were going over his science stuff. He was having a test that day. It was about the reproductive system. There was a question about lady parts. His response was "ladies have overalls". Yep if you saw me that day my car may have swerved but I was laughing! Maybe I will miss this someday....in a far, far, away land....wearing very expensive boots....and having no chin fat!!!!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

OMG! This is another picture where I would love to put the hi res show on display life size. If I put this boy on display as well it is going to be a real challenge as to which boy gets looked at and admired the most. I gotta tell you. Both of these boys would look good in the main living area of my home but would also look fantastic on display life size in my room. To have beautiful creatures like this in my room to admire would be like heaven.