Sunday, November 24, 2013

The birds and the bees in this house needs some work.

So I'm working again! I'm a good worker. I have always done well at any job I have had. I guess I have my parents to thank for that..I guess after raising three boys I can do anything. I'm kind of enjoying it. Don't tell hubs though! I'm playing the "I hate working" card a bit. But shit going to work on a Saturday just sucks! Unless your boss brings really smooth tequila to work. I kind of need to be comfortably numb lately. Yep I may have landed my dream job! So I worked today. Kids stayed home alone. Did I come home to a tornado???? Um.....yes! Hello I kind of want a sister wife about now! Those morans/mormons are on to something! (spelling?) I have no idea If I spelled either right!

I stopped at my dream home I'm building on the way home. I can't really even put into words what this is like to build this dream home. First of all let me say I'm blessed being able to build this. I do realize some people never get to do this. But cluster fuck comes to mind. Maybe two years ago when the Austin housing market was in a slump I would have had better luck. But this has caused me many tears and lots of shit fits! Just ask Hubs! I'm starting to understand two year olds! Hubs and I have had probably are biggest fights in 18 years of marriage over this dream house. Well one of our biggest, I would never blog about the big one. I do have a filter. There is that saying "What doesn't kill you makes you stronger". Well I must be strong as shit after this!  It has not been a smooth ride for sure. Maybe it's a test for us. But since we are still raising three kids together we need to stay together. Thank God for those kids...otherwise I would be living downtown in great loft wearing fab boots! This house has been one step forward two steps back all the way. The end result is always better than expected though. If I actually went through all that has gone wrong I would be here forever! You would be bored for sure. My biggest concern right now is they stoned over something I need to start the outside fireplace. They also walled in some pretty important electric stuff, the septic system was designed to shoot shit in our pool, and yes the plans showed a one wants to fix or take blame for it either,  didn't cut the granite on the tub right, put the wrong windows in, Forgot some key stuff with cabinets, put the wrong tile in, and haven't finished a bunch of stuff that should be done. Am I complaining??? Yes, a little for sure. Since I was supposed to be living there three months ago. Are they building a perfect house???? Yes, I love everything about it. I even love the paint colors which I stressed about for months!

My builder as much as I bitch has done a fantastic job. If only I was in it when I supposed to be he might be perfect. He may actually hate me now even if he enjoyed my charm at first. That being said..."good things take time" has a new meaning! I have given up two Halloweens, two thanksgivings, and I hope I'm not giving up two Christmas's being in a rental. Most of our stuff is in storage. When you get to a certain age giving up these things is not in your favor. I'm on the last of my years with my kids in my house. I want to enjoy them. Plus last year I bought everything up after Xmas because I just knew I would be in the Christmas walk in Dripping this year! Well that is not going to whoooo! It makes me mad that I'm bitching in a way. I'm damn lucky to be building this perfect home. But my years are numbered with these people I live with. They will hopefully fly the coop soon. Just did a little happy dance.  Now if only I raised perfect people.....Not so much...they all could use a good therapist! But so could I. Hello padded cell our name is Cavender...can we please get a group rate?????

So tonight was Saturday night. Should I have something better to do than drive kids back and forth to jump wild. Um, yes! In my fantasy world I would be in my loft with really expensive boots and a hot boyfriend. When I picked them up..Cole and Aidan were fighting. Shocking right????? Blood pressure on the rise! Cole says to Aidan  "take your tampon out, your acting like a girl". I chime in...I ask.."Cole, do you even know what a tampon is?". He says..."Yes, mom I know what a tampon is". I say.."Well what is it?". He says..."it's that thing you girls put in your privates to find out if your pregnant". My blood pressure comes down a bit...because I'm laughing to the point where I'm peeing because giving birth to three kids killed any badder control. Wish I took kegals more serious! I say..."um hot shot, your so frickin wrong". He says.."No, I'm not". I say.."There is a stick you pee on to find out if your pregnant, if your using a tampon you are so not pregnant". He says.."mom your wrong". I say.."I know you don't look at me as girl, but I am one, and you do not put tampons in your womanly parts to see if your pregnant". "You pee on a stick". "Tampons are for when your not PG, and you need to talk to Dad about all this". "Thank God you are clueless, makes me feel a little happy, since your older brother is a pro". Thanking God for one person in this house being naive.....which they should be at this age.....Let me tell you I wrote this post tired. So there are probably mistakes or bad grammar. Too tired to proof read. So be kind!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love this picture of your son. I grabbed the hi res shot and he appeared life size on my monitor. The picture is so clear and sharp he appeared to be right in front of me which made him lots of fun to admire. I would love to put this picture of him on display life size in my home in my large digital picture frame. Problem is this gorgeous boy would be a distraction as I would always be walking over to look at him LOL! In fact, I would be looking at him and checking him out like crazy!