Friday, August 2, 2013

We clean up well...but it's downhill from there

I promised to keep this blog upbeat and not full of drunkin sappy crap. So while in Chicago my family and I headed to a wedding. It might end up a little drunky. My neighbor across the street who is all of 30 got married. I used to babysit her but I'm aging myself now. We headed there with Deb and Grumps who happened to be mom and dad. We were all dressed up and perfect like the two girls my parents dreamed about. Prim proper and presentable! Not for long though......

My sister who I love to call Twisty is not a drinker in any sense of the word. But on this night she was all in. We had a few drinks. We watched all the people dance for a while. We sucked our drinks while watching. At one point Kelly went to the bathroom. Leaving me with Deb and Grumps to watch the dance floor. Deb and Grumps are kinda cool to hang with even if they are Debs and Grumps....meaning Debbie Downer and Grumping old guy. Kelly comes back from the bathroom and says something that might have made me pee in pants and advertise it on Facebook. Because that's what we do now right???? Advertise our lives on social media. So she says...."Hey I was in the bathroom, I realized I'm that fat girl that is an easy target at a wedding".  I seriously laughed out loud! Not because I thought she was that girl. My sister is not fat at all.... She is beautiful really and funny. I thought how many guys get both???? I don't think she knows she is not that fat girl.....she is that girl that happens to be the whole package! I don't know who messed her up to think that. I'm the bully big sister that might bitch slap anyone who makes her feel that way!

After that we went down hill on a black slope with no board! We were all into drinking. Ended up on the dance floor. The music was great. Don't think we weren't the girls with our hands over our heads dancing thinking we looked hot. "Do A little dance, make a little love, get down tonight" Went out for air a few times. At one air moment this couple came out. Kelly who normally does not talk to strangers decided to put her foot in her mouth. So the girl happened to be stunning. Kelly kept telling her how beautiful she was. That was all good. She was that girl you stop to look at because she's that pretty. It got ugly when Kelly told her husband he was lucky to have such a beautiful wife because he was not all that and a bag of chips. I did my best to stop her...but she had a mouth of her own.

We went back and danced and danced and danced. Omg...the music...was so good at this wedding. The bride looked amazing which was the word of the night. Before we knew it the night was over.  So we are with my parents at the wedding. So they drove..thank you Jesus. On the way home Kelly and I are in the back seat. We morphed  into two high school giggly girls. Well maybe two drunk girls trying to act sober in front of the parents. At one point Kelly rolled down the window. She hung her head out like a dog. I laughed so hard I might have peed.....May need to see some Dr about that! She said.."I think I'm car sick". I thought is she trying to save face in front of the parents???? I say..."Ummmm. Your drunk...maybe sick". She says...."NOOOO I"MMM cave sickkkkk". Yes I meant to miss spell that cause that's what she sounded like. I laughed, and laughed! We both seem to take some sick pleasure when one looks awful in front of the parents! I guess we're those typical toy R us kids...the ones that never want to grow up.....or maybe peter pan....Where's the fairy dust???? I might love fairy dust! Flying sounds fun....

The next day...My Mom was driving her somewhere with my aunt in the car. She was riding in the back. She text me..."I'm car sick, feel like I'm going to puke". I text back..."That's a hangover, if you got car sick that would happen your whole life". I guess she's an amateur, That's a good thing!

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