I get all the running around with the kids done and I head to our new super close grocery store. I'm shopping for a while and I see this lady in the yogurt section reaching up to get yogurt. I shit you not more than half her ass is hanging out of her hot pink terry cloth daisy duke shorts. The store is crowded as can be and everyone is laughing and talking about her. I stand there for a while just to watch the reaction of people walking by. Now I have gotten every one of those Walmart people E-mails but this is the first time I have ever come face to face with someone that could be the poster girl for one. I find myself wanting to get a picture of her because no one is going to believe this when I tell them the story! It would be one thing if this 50 some thing women would have been hot but she had more dents than a golf ball. I can't get a picture because it is so crowded and I don't want anyone to see me acting like an asshole. This is a small town we live in and that kind of shit comes back to bite you in the ass. I go to the check out and I see her in line. I think perfect I will get behind her in line and get my picture. Not two seconds after I get there a lady comes up to me and Say's..."I'll take you over here" What am I supposed to say?????....No Thanks, I want a picture of this ladies ass because my friends aren't going to believe it. I go in the new line the whole time trying to see the reaction of people to this women. I go to the parking lot and think about waiting for her so I can get that picture. Then I talk myself off the crazy ledge and say WTH, is your problem.......GO HOME. I have already wasted about twenty minutes following her around the store.
Sunday I took the two little guys for their Halloween costumes. Aidan to my surprise wanted to be a killer penguin. Cole wants to be a gold skeleton. When we got home Aidan wanted to show every neighbor his killer penguin costume and even ride his motorcycle in it. Do you think some peeps are totally talking shit about me tonight???????? I could just hear someones dinner conversation. They would say did you see that crazy Halloween freaks kid riding around like a killer penguin.
I finally got MOST of the Halloween stuff out. This is the house during the day. It kind of looks like a junk yard during the day. At night the thing comes to life.
So Hubby watches football all day and I run the kids for Halloween costumes and put the finishing touches on the house! Not bitter at all! Let me just say yesterday was sweetest day I got Hubs his favorite beer and wine and a few cards. WHAT did I get ? NOTHING! Not bitter at all! I actually knew he would forget so I got him stuff to make him feel bad! My twisted sister is coming next week and I don't want any crap about what we do. Now he is guilty so he will leave me alone.
This is our house at night. I really hate it during the day but when you put all the lights on at night it looks pretty cool. A lot of kids in our hood are afraid to come to the door. Believe it or not I still have two bins of crap in the garage I just have lost motivation lately.
I'm on the phone with Mom...aka...Debbie Downer. I am telling her I just don't seem to have any energy lately, I don't know what my problem is. I tell her I think these people have stole my MO JO. What does she say???????.........I think you may be going through menopause! I remember menopause with her and I don't think my head has started spinning with green spew flying out my mouth yet. Out of respect I keep this thought to myself. Now I will just be crossing my fingers that she doesn't read this post. She only gets on here once in as while because she is not really computer savvy. Usually it is when she is here and she'll say pull up they blog for me. I can maneuver her to which entries are safe.
Every time Debbie comes to town she wants to get on my facebook page. We always end up in a tiff over it. She will want me to pull up some neighbor friend that we haven't lived by since I was in the eight grade. Then she will want me to pull up their pictures. She will say things like who is that with her???? I have no idea I haven't seen or talked to her in twenty six years. She wants to look at what everyone is posting. She will ask why did they post that??? I don't know maybe we should call them! I always get frustrated with her and we end up snapping at each other. Thank God she doesn't have her own page. Thinking of facebook right now it has become quite boring. Those people that used to post ridiculous crap about what they are doing are all gone. I was one of those people for a while too. It's really bad if your a stay at home Mom. Your bored sometimes it's almost like a cry for help! LOOK AT ME, LOOK AT ME! You want people to know you are still out there and not feel invisible.
Blake went with his friends to a haunted house on Saturday night. Hubby, the little guys, and I went to a BBQ. Blake got home before us (15 minutes) he called my phone three times in that 15 minutes to make sure we were on our way. I asked him if he was scared. He replied NO! We got home and he was sitting in the house with every single light on. I say he was scared, but I will never call him out on it. He has been bugging the crap out of me to let him go on this Colorado trip through the church. I have used it to my advantage and got him to do great on test and help around the house. I gave in on Sunday night and tell him I will drop off the deposit check on Monday. He wakes up Monday and tells me to make sure I drop the check off. Mondays and me never get along so I'm running behind. My phone rings and it is Blake from the bathroom at school. He tells me he does not want to go on the trip anymore. Now this kid has bugged me for weeks about this trip. I ask him what happened. He tells me nothing he just changed his mind. When he gets home I
tell him he can tell me if something happened to change his mind. He say's he just plain and simple changed it. I am sad today because it is clear that something happened to change his mind and for the first time he shut me out. Don't ask me why but I thought I would never go through this with him. Anyway the UNIVERSE is still on my ass and broke my garage door today! I just know I'm going to win the lotto to make up for all the broken shit lately! DO YOU HEAR ME UNIVERSE????
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