Cole's Game Plan
1.Running back.....run up and down the stars(guessing that means stairs) 10 times. Sprint whole time.
2....running back...practice stants and taking hand offs.
3....wide receiver.....practice catching with one hand ten times. Then catch with two hands 20 times.
4....running back....spin moves, break tackle, and juke moves
5....running back...run 100 yards without stopping, no jogging just sprinting.
6....D-fence....rap up and take down.
7....kick field goals 20 times. Kick one angle 5 times.
Then the funnest thing is he writes....PS.....music playing the whole time to motivate.
I can't tell you how happy I was to see this kid with stars in his eyes win this! The joy in his eyes was the thing that makes being a gerbil in a wheel not that bad! To say I am proud is an understatement. It made all the inconvenient practices, fighting in the car, getting up way too early on Saturdays, and super sizing my ass with fast food all worth it!
I kind of love this picture! Hate their buzz haircuts but love this pic.
The teenager came with us. He fell asleep on the bleachers which is typical of him. Glad to see two other teenagers did the same thing.

So when I found that notebook I came across another entry that must have been made a while ago. It went something like this......
Aidan becomes on our team.
I made a plan with Aidan and Brianna. and the plan was that Aidan will ask Zoe if she loves him. Me and Brianna will go down stairs to spy on this. We will see what Zoe says. Guess what she said YES! Then Zoe turned around and sol us. She got mad and went home! Oh young love!!!!!!
So this week happens to be the week of Thanksgiving. The kids got out of school this week on Tuesday. They want to have friends spend the night! All three of them. Blake has two middle school kids here, Aidan has a friend over, and Cole couldn't find anyone. I feed everyone and make my grocery list for Thanksgiving dinner. The middle school kids head to the store with me. While at the grocery store I get a text from hub's. It says.....I'm tired of being "the house". This is not fair to me. After tonight I would appreciate you getting my input on friends staying here. I have to work in the am. This is too much. I'm tired of cleaning up after everyone. I'm exhausted. I have to laugh at this! He goes to bed early and never deals with sleepovers. What is he talking about!!!! Tired of cleaning up after everyone...is he for real???? This happens to be the story of my life! I'm going to get is ass a T-shirt that says....Grinch! Just yesterday I called him and said I want a real tree this year. I want to smell X-mas in the house. He says...I hate real trees! I say why. He says.....They are a pain in ass and a fire hazard. Not to mention the mess they make. I say our children are a fire hazard and they make way more of a mess than a tree ever can!!!!!!! Still working on this!
So anyway I'm at the local HEB-grocery store shopping for Thanksgiving. With three middle school boys who find it funny to yell "Kerry" at me from a few aisles over. I don't know if it's because it is Thanksgiving but the grocery store is filled with lots of interesting people. I saw a dude with his hairy ass butt crack hanging out. Truth be told I couldn't take me eyes off of it. Now I am a frequent flyer a the grocery store. I have never come across people like this there! It is like the Walmart people who we all love. Another thing I noticed is Hello lots of single hot guys! Really any single lady forget the bars.....shop the grocery store on a holiday week! Where the hell were these guys when I was single?????? So I'm in the check out line with two hundred dollars worth of Thanksgiving! All I can say is Thank God Hub's has a good job. There is a token hot guy in line behind me making small talk with me. All the sudden there is this scream of...Hey Kerry...Mom are you done yet! I turn around to yell "yes" I'm checking out! Back to reality!
So this week I have been trying to put together X-mas for these people I live with. Sad thing is since I'm the only girl no one has any interest in helping. I put out all the outside lights and I'm now working on the inside. It sucks! It has become yet another project I don't want to do. Funny thing is when I first got married I couldn't wait to have a house to decorate for the holidays. This is the thing I dreamed about as a child! Shit is overrated for sure. Yes, it's nice when it is all said and done. I'm secretly wishing I had a house manager to make it all nice!
I picked up my kids the other day from school. Aidan looks at me and says....Can you imagine if you could hear everything people were thinking about you. I say...that would suck! Thinking about all the things I have thought about people while talking to them. He says...yeah I'm glad we can't because I would not want to think about the bad things they are thinking. I say... why are you worried because no one would think anything bad of you. He says...I bet they would. I say..what could anyone possibly think bad of you?????? He says.. They could think I'm not smart enough, or think I look funny, Or think I'm not that good at sports, or think I'm a dork. He says he thinks his feelings would be hurt if he could hear what people thought! I have always thought Aidan was an old soul. I never really thought about stuff like this till I got way older. Now I know through experience that people love to talk shit! It never really hit me till I was in my 30's I always thought if someone was my friend they would never talk bad about me. In my older years I realize it is never safe to walk out of the room. It makes me sad that he gets this at such a young age! Now don't get me wrong I'm not at all saying I'm all not at fault, I have done my fair share of shit taking too. It just makes me sad that an eight year old gets this!
Anyway, trying to get together Thanksgiving and X-mas! Sad that I no longer live by family! For if I lived by either family I could not do shit and just show up! Since Hub's works in the world of retail we are stuck by ourselves to fend for ourselves. Growing up Irish catholic makes me want to to put on the best Thanksgiving! Damn it, I can be an overachiever for sure! Laughing as I write that, I'm lying for sure! Definitely not overachieving when it comes to working out! I was thinking about this today. If I was normal height I would be all good. Damn it if God didn't make me short! If I was an average height of 5"6 I would look hot! In a perfect world I would be stretched.
Wishing my Grandma didn't die on Thanksgiving last year! I miss her like crazy. In a perfect world Grandmas would live forever. once again sorry for miss-spellings and bad grammar....too tired! This kid that Aidan had spend the night has jumping beans in is pants and is moving furniture as I write!
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