AIDAN.......MOMMMM can I have all Blake's empty gun packs??? By the way Blake is a gum junkie.
ME......WHY???? What in the world do you want with empty gum packs?
AIDAN....I want to have a collection
ME.....That's not a collection.....That would make you more of a garbage collector. We aren't housing garbage collectors in this house.
ME....Your scaring me, please get out of my face. I can't concentrate on my TV.
So about an hour later the little soft spoken boy comes back.
AIDAN.....Mom I found two dollars
AIDAN ....In a drawer.
ME....What drawer???
AIDAN.....The kitchen drawer.
ME...... Kid it goes more like Finders Keepers, Losers Weepers. So get your shit talk straight before you open your mouth. Unless you want me to make you start weeping you better get the puck out of my face and put my shit back. Now that last part was all in my head. I would never tell my kid to get the puck out of my face. All in my head people, for all you judges out there put your invisible gavel down. I'm only partly an asshole. Being raised an Irish Catholic girl my thoughts sometimes scare me. For some reason I thought there was something in the ten commandments about bad thoughts. I saved this post while I "googled" the ten commandments. Gosh forbid I post something wrong my twisted sister will laugh her ass off and call me out on it. I was wrong so I'm glad I took the time to google it. Anywho I was seriously laughing my ass off when I pulled up the ten commandments on a site. I think I added a few minutes to my life from laughing so hard. Ya know Dr. OZ says laughing is really good for you. Maybe if I laughed every time I did something bad my life would even out. Sorry my overactive brain is out of control again. The commandment that made me laugh so hard went something like this...............You shall not covent your neighbors house; his wife; his male servant; nor his female servant; nor his OX, donkey, or anything that is his. My thoughts go right back to the dark side after reading this. I can't help but wonder did the commandment mean don't have sex with your neighbors donkey??? Now I am in no way making fun of the ten commandments, I just can't control these bad thoughts.
Here's my new not very comfortable sofa. When I sent a picture of it to my twisted sister her reply was.....Will you be doing office work from yer family room???? Then She tops it off with a LOL. I'm not really laughing my ass off, glad I can add years to her life though. The worst part about this is Hub's will not allow my dog on this sofa. I spoon with the dog every night on my old sofa. I think the dog is starting to think he is my husband! Wow that phrase "in a perfect world" is occupying my lame brain bout now. Evil, evil, thoughts!
Just look at this fabulous salad I made. I'm thinking of turning this blog into a recipe one. Thoughts anyone????????
Hub's and I like just a couple of the same shows on TV. Most shows he walks by and says something like.....I can't believe you watch this shit. There's a lot of things I can't believe about him but I don't throw it in his face. We sit down to watch "The Middle" from last week. OH ME Gosh sometimes when I watch that show I feel like I'm watching my life. This was one of those moments. It was a show about how we as parents do everything for our kids and not much for us. They take over our houses, TV's, computers, cars, and so on and so on. While watching this show we are interrupted at least five times from these people that live with in our house wanting to know where THEIR shit was. Shit that WE bought mind you. LOVE that show! Anywho, I need to get off my ass get in the shower, it's now 6:17. I need to go to the grocery store since we are out of drinks, lunch meat, and bread. These damn people need lunches for the AM. Once again sorry for bad grammar, run on sentences, mis-spelling, mis-use of words, and to and too puck ups!
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