Thursday, January 13, 2011

Rockin and Rolling

So I get home from work at 6pm. Cole is working on his homework. Seven thirty rolls around and Cole is still working on his homework. I'm at my wit's end here with him. I don't know how to help him. I too have a hard time concentrating sometimes. I kind of blame myself for this problem. Bad genes ya know. I try to have patience but lose it from time to time. Did I tell ya I think homework sucks!

At X-mas I got some Ugg indoor, outdoor slipper-shoes! I love them. I wear them all the time. I even take them to work and wear them when no one is around. Did I say I LOVE Uggs??????

Hub's finally got an IPhone. This is what he looks like all the time. He is always messing with it. Which gives me more computer and TV time. I LOVE that he got this, it's like his new wife.

So yesterday I once again hijacked my 13 year old facebook page. He's not real bright because he did not erase his instant messaging. I pull up all his conversations and read them of course. Hub's and I are at odds over this. He thinks I should not mess with his facebook page. Me, I'm noisy and controlling, I want to make sure he is acting right. I come across a conversation that has to do with a bra. What I want to do his wake his ass up and ring his neck. I don't I stay on his page. I see my brother is on line so I test my skills on him. I start to instant message him to see if he knows it's me. He doesn't, score one for this super smart MaMa! I don't say anything about this in the am since he has a test. When he gets home I question him about this. It was him and his friend talking to this girl. I tell him he has to be careful what he talks about on line. There could be another crazy Mom like me out there! I also tell him it is not at all respectful to talk to a girl about a bra! The problem is some of these girls are posting pictures of themselves in bikinis and putting sexy bitches under it. What's a mom to do???? This world we live in now is a "hey look at me world". I just need to keep telling him to be respectful and to be careful what he puts on line! I feel another gray hair coming on. To much to soon, is all I think about!"

That last story takes me back to my middle school years. It was back in the days when phones had cords that you would try to stretch into your bedrooms for privacy. I got a call from a boy who will remain UN named since we are now FB friends. I picked it up not knowing that my Dad...aka the Grump had picked up the kitchen phone at the same time. The boy was asking me my bra size........which was probably still a training bra! I bloomed very late in life. All of the sudden I hear my Dad's voice on the other end saying....HANG UP THE PHONE KERRY! I remember being mortified, I don't know what I was mortified about. It could have been the fact that the Grump just embarrassed the shit out of me or the fact that the Grump just heard a boy ask me my bra size. Anyway, what my kid doesn't get is that I get it. I'm not naive at all. I was not a great kid, I did all the bad stuff. This makes it way harder for my kid because I can not be snowed.

I lucked out a little in way. When I was a kid Mom...aka..Debbie and Dad...ake..the Grump were slightly naive. They were together since they were 14, they got married right after HS. They never really dabbled in the bad stuff. This came in handy for me because they were a bit naive. Me not so much, I have done it all and my kids are screwed!

Anywho, I'm still going strong on my kicking my cousins ass on this work out kick. Three days going strong! I'm kicking ass and taking names! Even though I still have that annoying person in my brain trying to take me down. I can honestly say I have not stuck to much when it comes to me since I have had kids. This time I hope it's different. I didn't want to workout tonight but I did. While I was doing a yoga DVD upstairs, Cole came up. He told me the music was sad and the people looked like they were dying! I had to laugh my ass off. Me I thought the music sounded like porn and my hip cramped up which hurt like a MO FO!

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