Monday, June 20, 2011

Mav's take the win, and I take my TV back.

So the kids have taken over my TV for sure! They have been watching basketball like crazy. Frickin crap is on almost every night. It is really cutting into my shit TV time. So the Mav's finally take the win and I get my TV back so I think. The next day a very special package is dropped off by FedX.

The Mav's won and their Mimi from Dallas sent them championship T-shirt in the mail. They were more than excited. I took pics on my phone to send to Mimi at work.

She sent on for my oldest but he was MIA as usual.

Yesterday I was checking my E-mail in the office. Cole comes in plops down on the sofa in there. He has been begging me for a phone because his friends all have one. He proceeds to talk to himself out loud. He thinks I'm going to give a shit. He is saying things like.....I'm so bored I bet all my friends are texting right now. I can't text because I don't have a phone. I think I'm the only kid in my grade without a phone. I'm like the odd man out. The only one, the lonely loser. People laugh at me. I don't even have a facebook account. I'm the only one. I never get anything. It is so unfair. Of course all my friends are texing while I'm just sitting here bored. Blake gets everything he wants. I bet Blake is texting right now. I bet all Blake's friends are texting right now. None of my friends had to earn a phone, they just got one. All my friends have nice parents. Not me I'm the only one without a phone. At first I am thinking Laaaa, Laaaa. Laaaa, I can't hear you in my head. Then I'm just laughing writing all this crap down so I can remember how dramatic it was. He looks up and says.....why are you writing stuff down. I say.....So I can show you how dramatic you were when your older. Then you will feel the need to buy me a car since I put up with so much crap. This child always has to have the last word, this about sends me to the brink of insanity on a daily basis. He says.....CRAP, I'm the one putting up with crap from you, I'm the only kid without a phone and that's crap. He has me at a loss for words because I can not believe what a smart Alic he can be......blows me away. So of course I have to send him to his room and we ruin a perfectly good summer morning. Where did this one come from. When I complain about him my Dad...aka.....the Grump tells me I was just like that as a kid. I have a hard time believing that though. I thought I was a pretty perfect kid. I think the Grump has me confused Kelly....aka....Twisty. Speaking of Grump he is flying here in two days so we could go on yet another road trip. We have been talking about our plans for the road trip. The one thing we agree on is we will be heading through Oklahoma this year. Last year we went through Arkansas and broke down in a dry county.....nuff said

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