Monday, December 20, 2010


The week before Xmas to me has been crazy! I finally found something I can bake and it actually taste good. I can pass it out to neighbors with no embarrassment. Alright so it may be baking for dummies but if it taste that good no body really cares.
The hardest thing about this is unwrapping all the Rollo candy that you put on top of the pretzels.

When I bake it kind of looks like a bomb went off in the kitchen. This is when I'd like a little fairy cleaning lady to come clean this shitz up!

The week before Xmas also means broken ornaments in my house! These people owe me some money!!!!
Thursday we head out for a little adult fun! Now the guys went too but they were just not as cute as us. We go to the Four Seasons for some drinks and dinner.
I kind of look a bit like the Xmas tree. This jacket is sooooo cute, but where else will I ever wear it.
Recognize this guy???? Yep, I ran into yet another famous face in Austin. It's Mike from "Dirty Jobs". He was at the bar at the Four Seasons. So I walked up to him, told him I had a really dirty job for him. He told me he already had a prior commitment. Now get your mind out of the gutter. You don't know what dirty job I asked him to help me out with.

After "Four Seasons" we head out to 6th street for some dancing. Feeling no pain since we have a limo we can all have fun. We all end up doing that crazy dance where you find your hands over your head thinking you look good! You never even realize how bad this is until you are the sober one in a group of drunks. Yes, this has happened to me before, I was PG but who's judging! Oh wait, everybody!

See the guys really did come with. We ignored them as long as we could. Damn, they had this great band there. Every song they sang we knew word for word. It was an eighties band and that was our hey day! I think everyone on of us was brought back to that big ass hair sprayed hair and the roll up jeans.....Not to mention being dry humped! Kind of glad those days are over even if they happen to be my "hey day". Once I win the lotto I will once again hit my "hey Day".
The nice thing is even though it is December we get to party in an outside bar. That is because it's not cold as shit like Chicago. Watching the news while writing this post.....Tomorrow is December 21 and it's going to be 82 here. Are you Chicago people ready to move????? I could use a little family here.
Alright now, what happens in the limo stays in the limo! Lets just say LOTS of singing at the top of our lungs. We are all "Rock Stars" after a few beers. SCARY!
The Limo party happened to fall on the Thursday night before school let out for Xmas break. Now any people (who drink) with children are going OHHHHHHH, right about now. You just don't party like a "Rock Star" on the night before one of these days. This is the day you have to have your game face on. There are school Christmas parties.....wait I mean Holiday parties you can't call them Xmas parties anyone. Bullshit I say...where are we anyway???? That's a whole nother can of worms I won't open. BTW, MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE. You also on these days have volunteered to do lots of crap for these parties. Aidan's party happens to fall at eight am Friday. Now I told the "Room Mom" that I would bring twizzlers and powdered white donut holes. I go to HEB to get the donut holes Wednesday.....they don't have any. I go on my lunch break Thursday to another HEB and they don't have them. Since this is a breakfast party I think they are just going to eat these suckers so I get 5 dozen of the Dolly Madison powdered donuts. While at dinner at the "Four Seasons" I get a voice mail from the room mom checking to make sure I got the powdered sugar donut holes because they are doing their major craft with these. My heart sinks.....holy crap, I just thought they were eating these!!!! I thought the room mom was just being picky about what kind. BUT why does she check with me the night before while I'm out and I can't do crap about it now! Except worry that is.
After the limo party I talk Hub's into going to Aidan's eight am party and going to a donut shop in the am, that is 7am to get the powdered donut holes. I won't say what I did to talk him into this craziness, let's just say it worked! So 6:45 comes really early after being out till 1:30. So I get the kids up and ready and I tell Aidan that I hate it but I have to miss the party because I have to work. I tell him Daddy will be there in my place. He is sad but is also happy Daddy will be there. I'm white lying just a little, I do have to work. I talked to my boss weeks ago, as soon as I found out about this party about coming in an hour late. What I wasn't expecting was a eight am holiday party. I get them off and crawl back in bed. My phone has rung three times. I finally decide whoever is calling is not giving up and I answer. It's Hubs from the donut shop. They don't even make powdered sugar donut holes there. What kind of donut shop doesn't make these???? Anyway I tell him to get what they got and explain what happened. SOOOOO glad he is the one that has to walk in with the wrong thing. I go back to bed!
Hub's gets home from the party and I'm getting ready for work. I ask him what the project was with these powdered donuts. He says they were making snowmen guys with them. I ask how did they turn out???? His response.....very simply.......NAKED! Thank God for small things...I missed this "God I want to crawl under a rock moment". I will pay for it at the next..."Holiday Party", I have to attend. They will remember we were the family that brought the donuts to make "NAKED" snowmen. Just another Mom of the year moment for me.

It's my little Xmas Elf! He looks like he had fun, even though his Mom was M.I.A. and he made a "NAKED" snowman!
At Cole's 2pm party I am A OK. I take a lunch break and I head over. Like a "Rock Star" I get the pizza's for the party. Not at all failing in my parent duties. At least I can hold my head high in one class.
They play some fun games and the party is great. I hold my head up high. That is until I leave. I hope that I do not run into anyone from Aidan's class. I'm hoping that some good eggnog will help these people forget the NAKED snowman incident. I get out safely and go back to work.

The first morning of Xmas break this is what I find in the's going to be a long two weeks! I wish that was a real elf that would do all the shit I don't want to do.
Friday night I picked up Mom....aka.....Debbie Downer from the airport. Should be some good blogging coming.

Thoughts of my day.....I may be going off the deep end, not once but twice this week I searched frantically for my phone only to find I was holding it!
I also walked around the house cussing about my missing camera that was hanging on my shoulder. WTF, is all I have to say! Getting OLD is for the birds.
CALGON?????? Take me away, for at least a hour!

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