Yesterday during the day was way too hot to do anything outside. Twisty and I laid around watching TV. I love TV at my parents house, they have every movie channel, I could get sucked in for days. I make the mistake of watching "Jennifer's body". Now I have never done well with scary movies. I have an overactive imagination and I dream vividly. I haven't watched a scary movie since Twisty and I watched watched "the ring" which was years ago. She talked me into this one night. We watched it during a storm. If anyone has seen this ya know that the TV goes static and this crazy bitch pops out of the screen to kill you. Right after we finished this movie the power went out and the TV went was creepy as hell and awful timing. So we put on a happy movie since the power comes back pretty quick. Mind you we finished this movie at about 1am since we are night owls. We are both way too scared to go back to bed so this is now going to put us up till 3am. We start the happy movie. It's going good at first, we have every light around us on. All the sudden we both hear someone say something from upstairs. It sounds like....HELLO. We are freaked but we keep watching the happy movie. A little more time goes by and I shit you not something hits the upstairs window and it's loud. We are now more freaked out. We continue to watch the happy movie. Some more time goes by and there is a giant crash from upstairs, yes I do have two children at this time sleeping upstairs. Twisty and I run out the front door screaming.....leaving the kids upstairs and screaming at the top of our lungs for Hub's. We left the front door open and we are on the front porch. We wake him up from a dead sleep. We are both over the top dramatic about what has gone down. He says.....did you not check on the kids? Um....NO, we ran out the front door. He goes upstairs and we stay on the front porch with the door open. He yells down to us that a built in shelf above our computer collapsed. The very strange thing about this collapsed shelf was there was a picture of my Uncle, my Grumps, and Blake on it. Everything on this shelf fell except this picture. The picture was sitting on the shelf in tact. Now I am hoping that everyone has a story like this. The strange thing is my Uncle had just passed away. The even more strange thing about this was he was my Uncle that liked to scare the shit out of us with scary stories. Once on a camping trip he was telling a story about a beast that liked children. After his story he picked up my cousin and ran with her in the woods and acted like he left her for the beast. Every sleepover at her house he prided himself on scaring us. Makes ya think right? It might be fun as hell to haunt someone after your gone. I would scare the shit out of an x boyfriend for sure.
Anyway, back to "Jennifer's body". When I went to bed last night I got this overwhelming feeling of fear. I'm sleeping in my Brothers room....without my Brother, get your mind out of the gutter. My middle child comes up to sleep in there with me. I bout we sleep with the lights on. I always slept with the lights on as a kid when I was scared. He is good with that. Now growing up Irish Catholic there is a crucifix above his bed which gives me some comfort. I'm having a hard time falling asleep. My mind is on overdrive. I keep thinking Jennifer is coming around the corner to get me. I hate that there is a mirror in front of the bed. I keep thinking if I sit up I will see myself distorted in the mirror, Jennifer may be behind me in the mirror, or the crucifix will be tilted. I can't believe at my age I fear this craziness. I finally fall asleep but like I said I dream vividly. If I watch something I always dream about it. Note to self watch "Twilight" before bedtime. Vamp is all good! Of course at first I dream I'm laying in bed and that damn Jennifer demon is blowing in my ear and I am frozen. The worst part is the room looks the same which freaks me out. I don't know if anyone else ever dreams that they wake up but really you are still dreaming. This happens to me at least three times this night. One time I wake up with pure anxiety in my chest. I am still the girl that jumps basement stairs in my parents house thinking someone will grab me from under the stairs. Sometimes I hate this over active mind of mine.......Hello padded cell my name is Kerry right???? After not having a good night sleep my other child ended up in there. I woke up like a burrito in between these two with neck pain. But Jennifer did not get me. Writing this now I feel like an idiot! So I have lots of readers on this blog now. Thank you whether you like it or whether you like to judge me. I judge myself way more than you could ever judge so it doesn't bother me that much. Ask me that in my twenties not so much. What people thought of me bothered me. Sorry once again for miss spellings and bad is what is is! I think I could have been a writer if I did better in school. Though my first thing would have been rock star since I can't sing that ship has sailed! I don't think asking the universe will give me a voice! Have a good night everyone! Way more to come from shy town...or should I say Chi town! I'm writing this late and these people I live with are still not asleep.....calgon????
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