I'm smiling here but not for long. These fest are also money pits. Why the hell do they get away with charging four frickin dollars per ride. Not to mention the price of games.
We meet my aunt Maureen and uncle Vince up at the fest. They just happen to be fest junkies. They have their Grandson with them.
I have Cole take this picture, I'm really trying to get a pic of that Carney in the background. It's not often you run across a hawt Carney. A little boy crazy I will always be. Twisty and me both notice this guy. We are both wondering what his story is. I would love to have a show where Twisty and I became Carneys and get all these people's stories.
I'm actually surprised Aidan went on this ride with Cole. He is usually a little bit of a chicken shit.
Aidan has a sour look on his face because he did not win a prize on the overpriced games. A prize that he would play with for a day. Then it would fall into the huge pile of overpriced shit I paid for that no one uses. I have to listen to him bitch and complain for the rest of our time at this fest. He begs me for more money to try and win one of those cheap ass stuffed animals stuffed with little white balls that end up all over your living space. He loses, sorry Charlie. The best thing about these fest is the people watching....they really give the Wallmart people a run for their money. Just wondering where these people come from and if they own a mirror. They for sure don't have a Twisty to tell them what not to wear.
I'm laughing at the one of many dogs living in this house standing on the bench in the background.
Hello we are at Grandma's house where the kids are allowed to cook our food. Hope he washed his hands. I see him pick his nose and his ass daily.
Now this story is typical Mom....aka..Debbie. She is cleaning out shit to make room for Twisty and the Golden jerks move in. She calls me in her room and asks me if Aidan would like this shirt. I'm say...Hell to the No. She seems surprised by my response. She says.....but he loves boats. I say...Um that is like a 1980's women's t-shirt. All I am thinking is......is she for realz???? I call Twisty in. I say...hey Mom thinks Aidan would like this shirt, what do you think? she is like absofuckinlutly not! We have a good laugh and Debbie is still wondering why.
Sunday afternoon we head out to aunt Maureen's to see my cousin Jennifer. Blake is excited because he is finally taller that someone in the family. Hate to burst his ignorance is bliss bubble but Jennifer is not even five foot. I may be wrong but I know she is short for sure. Short and super cute. Jennifer just got engaged I'm so excited for her.
Colton and Ella are there. They have a great time in the kiddie pool. That is until Ella drops some kids off in the pool if you know what I mean. When Ella does this Twisty is like a deer caught in the headlights. She is yelling....what do I do??? This is as the kid is dripping brown water from her ass. My cousin Jen and me are laughing at her...yelling at her to clean it up. Hello get the hose out and hose her poopy ass down. Then drain the frickin pool.
We dragged Blake's ass out of the basement and off the X-box to hang with us. I try to tell him we are really not that bad to hang with. We are kind of fun, mostly because none of us act our age.
This is Blake's normal face these days. Sometimes I feel like slapping it off him. I feel like he is at the age where he just looks at me as if I have three heads.
Another fine Blake face...kid's lucky he is cute!
Had a great time. I had to laugh though. My aunt Maureen who just happens to be Mom...aka...Debbie downers sister. We could call her Debbie's sister negative Nelly. I walk in with a sun dress on. She says...you and Kelly wear a lot of dresses and skirts. I say...yep I don't like shorts....dresses hide fat. She says.....I like shorts because when I feel fat in them it stops me from eating....whaaa, whaaa, whaaaa! I still say ignorance is bliss.
Here's something funny. I have know idea where this last pic came from. Not computer savvy here at all. It is cute though. It is the Golden jerk who seems to show up everywhere in my life. While writing this blog I'm in Chi town staying at the P's house. It is late because my kids are vampires and they don't sleep. Neither does Twisty or my brother lost. I guess we were making too much noise because first Debbie came down to yell at us. Second Grumps came down in a white robe to yell at us. After Grumps went upstairs Cole says......Do you think Grumps was naked under that robe?????? What do you say to that...... all I have to do is laugh and wonder. Sorry again for miss spellings, bad grammar, and run on sentences......once again too tired to check. Debbie was on my blog today who happens to be that person who should have been an English teacher. She was correcting all my mistake's....I think she should be my ghost writer......and make me look smarter than a 5th grader.
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