Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Twisty can't spell either

    No pictures with this post damn it. Not sure what's up whether it is blogger or my stupid computer. My laptop crashed this week. Now I'm working on my desktop which is why I'm way behind.
    So Twisted sister was slamming my spelling on facebook once again. Everyone knows I can't spell worth a shit anyway. So later that night I sent Twisty a text.

    Me.....Wat up???

    Twisty....We R at the bar...Amy and me

    Me... wow, your drinking???? (Twisty doesn't drink usually)

    Twisty....Ehat???? (guessing she meant What)

    Twisty.... I'm buzzed. Inhad 4 berets

    Me.....Berets?????LMAO guessing that means beer.

    Me.....Your fucking spelling sucks(Sorry Dad...aka...Grump) I know you hate that word.


    Me.....I'm going to blog about your miss spelling.

    Twisty.....they r drunk misspleeing

    Me.....Holy Shit....MISSPLEEING????

    Twisty....Suck it

    Me...We r so getting drunk when I get there


    Me...Do you mean totally. Your making my night with all the misspleeing

    Twisty.....Blah!!!!!!! I'm home trying to strppied me clothes off to get in my PJ's.

    Me...Strppied.....that's a new one.

    Moral of the story be careful when you throw stones at other people they have a way of coming back and hitting you square between the eyes! I guess Twisty can't spell either. BTW, I LOVE IT.

1 comment:

Joe Schmoe said...

AH-Ha! That's All!