Ziggy never left his side all day. I love this dog he always takes such good care of the boys.
This kid even asked me to turn off the TV because his head hurt so much. I knew he didn't feel good if Sponge Bob couldn't cheer him up!
Monday, Monday all is better except now I have a fever and body aches. Which me gives yet another excuse to not get a thing done on my shit list. Aidan washes my car for me so you know he feels better. Cole and Aidan have hip hop on Monday nights. We drive Cole's friend Collin on our way we are either blasting music and singing at the top of our lungs or bitching at each other. Car rides are usually blood presser spikes for me. This pretty much sucks since I spent a lot of my time driving these kids around. Unfortunately nothing is a hop skip or a jump away. I can't tell you how many times all the shit I swore I would never say comes flying out of my mouth like I'm an old pro. My favorite is "your going to send me to an early grave". Who says that????Me I guess, but when did I become that psycho that yells stupid shit like that. I blame them 100 percent for taking me to that dark side and all the other crazy adults that I picked up that gem of a phrase from. I think I should just record a CD of myself saying things, that way I could pop it in while driving and save my lungs. It could be jammed packed with things like leave your brother alone, give your brother back his ipod, don't touch your brother, don't talk to each other like that, I'm the parent, wait till I tell your Father, I didn't raise you to act like this, and so on and so on. I could even make it rap style and maybe just brainwash them. I may be able to sell these Cd's to other Mothers with unruly children. I could just see my infomercial, Mom gets in her car puts on her seat belt, pops in her Cd, and then puts her ipod touch earphones on so she doesn't hear a thing. The Mom would be driving with a big smile on her face happily driving down the road listening to her tunes. The best part would be the unruly children fighting in the back seat would be totally tuned out! Like I love to say I'm a huge believer that "ignorance is bliss'. I bet I could add some years to a few Mom's lives. Sometimes by the time I get home with the kids after a car ride I feel like the kid in the 80's movies that got his head pushed in the school toilet over and over. Today Collin says "I would like to be a part of your family because it rocks". I have to laugh out loud. Are you crazy kid?????? I say I'm sorry to Collin every Monday for my kids bad behaviour and then for my bad behaviour. This is proof right here that we are all brainwashed to think the grass is greener on the other side. I have to close this post with I can't wait till car rides become bearable with these people I live with!
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