So I posted a link under MY profile for my blog. Some of my friends out here were asking about it. So I put it up there cause its easy to get it out to those people all at once. I'm not great on the computer so that seemed like a user friendly way for me. Long story short I got an E-mail from FB saying someone reported my blog as abusive....LOL Abusive!! , I thought to myself...abusive to who my family??? People read it, I'm the one being abused here! I love my kids and they make me laugh everyday but sometimes I do not like them. The blog is way to get things off my chest and look back later to see the humor in all of it. So anyway at first I'm mad. I think it's under my profile. They have to click on it to read it, if you don't like it... don't read it! Report it really?? lighten up everyone who has kids or a husband have felt frustrated before. So I post under my status "To whom it may concern whoever reported my blog as abusive you don't have to read it, and btw, get a life." So within minutes the FB police remove my status update. I guess the "get a life" was alittle over the top. It's crazy That some FB person is tracking what I have to say. Anyway I've been thinking about FB things that I personally find abusive.
1.....I find it abusive that people can post awful pictures of you and they seem to get a kick out of it.
2....I think its abusive that I spend over an hour looking at pictures of people I don't even know.
3....I think its abusive that someone can poke just doesn't sound right.
4...I think its abusive that you have to get an E-mail notice for everything on FB.
5....I find some people's status comments abusive.
6...I think its abusive when you try to friend someone you slept with and they don't accept your request.
7...I think its abusive when someone who was awful to you in HS looks great!
8...I find it abusive if you post something about wrinkles that an ad for wrinkle cream pops up on the side.
9...I find it abusive that my 12 year olds friends want me to be their friend...I don't want them to read my shit or see my pictures! My kids might not have friends if I add them.
10...I find it abusive that someone reported my blog abusive when there is real abuse going on in world....put your energy into helping those people
Anyway all this abuse is abuse I choice to do to myself. I have no one to blame but myself for all this FB abuse..but I'm sure as shit not going to report it! Now that I got that off my chest...let me just say these people I live with are abusing me today...please help! I can't even send them to bed since they don't have school tomorrow! Its going to be a long night.
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