Wednesday, February 8, 2012

The River and the best prank ever

So last night my neighbor invited me over to watch that new show "The River". Let me just start by saying that was some scary shit. She made homemade popcorn and we screamed a few times while watching it. The scariest part of this show was the forest full of scary hanging dolls. Dolls have always scared me anyway but this was too much. It was a forest full of scary dolls hanging from trees. When the people are stuck there the dolls are opening and closing their eyes behind their backs. I'm getting scared again while writing this.

After the show is over I call Hub's to see if he will get me. I'm afraid to walk home even though it is one door down. He says he is sleeping. So I run and I mean run home. I have this picture in my head of dolls chasing me. When I get to the side door I just know a doll is going to pop out of the bushes at me.

The next day I collect a few dolls. At about nine pm I go hang the dolls in my neighbors yard. My kids and me run and hide in the bushes across the street. My oldest rings the bell and runs to hide. We all are watching waiting for her to open the door and scream. We see her walk to the door and peak out. So we wait and nothing. I have this fear while were waiting that those dolls are going to jump down and come get us. My oldest rings the bell again. We all wait giggling in the bushes. She again peaks out the door and doesn't come out. We try one last time but still nothing.

We get home and my phone starts blowing up while I'm getting the kids to bed. I come down to find this........on my text.....

you are evil
Capital E vil
I have kids freaking out thinking the German is ding dong ditching us.
I sat in the dark waiting for him to ring again.
Must have been after you gave up.
I was too scared to go outside in case he was out there waiting to strangle me in front of my kids.
Then my innocent sweet child starts screaming!!!!
You are Evil........

I text back...wasn't me.

She text back......
Well I went out to get them so I could get you back.
Then I start freaking out, they are in my house and their eyes might be opening and closing all night.
So I decided to dispose of them.
The only logical thing was to throw them over the Germans fence on your side.
He can nail them to the fence collage.
Your kids will see them every time they peer from their windows.
You will have to risk your life to retrieve the dolls and break the curse.
Nighty, night.

I text....wasn't me!

She text....No one else knows I watched that.

I text...Wasn't me That River thing must be after you!!!!!

I'm being punished for my shenanigans now. Cole is texting me from his bedroom. His text read....

Where are you???? I'm calling you!!!!!!
I text....I know I'm ignoring you.
He text....I'm scared because of the river thing.
I text...You didn't even see it.
He text......I saw the commershle....gets his spelling from me. He then says....You reminded me of it when we hung the dolls in the trees.
I text...Go to bed it's fake.
He text....Every time I close my eyes I think a zombie is going to eat me....
I text...No such thing, go to bed.
He text...But they could be a person who got infected.
I text....huh????Infected with what.
He text......zombie poison!
I text....go to bed!

Now I'm just trying to figure out how the hell I'm going to be in two places at once tomorrow! Blake starts track and needs to be at school at 7:15 and I need to have the little guys out the door at 7:30! Omygosh, I so need a wife!

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