Tuesday, November 16, 2010

If only we could bottle a feeling

I did my first wedding photo shoot this week. The place was amazing. The bride and groom just gushed over each other. You could feel the love they felt for each other, it was almost sickening. I'm jealous of course. I couldn't help but think...I felt this way once. I remember a time when I couldn't wait to hear his voice over the phone. When we were out he was the only one I saw in the room. I could make out for hours with him. I couldn't wait to see him. I hung on his words and I loved spending time with him. WHY does that feeling have to go away???? When your in that state of mind you feel alive and beautiful. Then you get married and have kids and life gets in the way. You stop taking time for each other. Don't get me wrong I love Hub's but these people we live with got in our way. Now we are so busy with them it leaves little time for us. I don't want to make out for hours on end anymore, my big words are can you make it quick now. I wish we could bottle that feeling when we first were together even though I no longer have the time to put that kind of effort in...sad but true.
So Monday morning I really did wake up and do my yoga. I did it Tuesday too. I ate right for the most part. I fell off my yoga train for the past month. I have someone evil in my mind that does not allow my to do shit. I often wonder if other people have this person in their mind. Sometimes I think I may be headed to the crazy house. After doing the yoga I can't believe I stopped. I have almost a euphoric feeling after I do it. I only get this feeling after yoga, cheeseburgers, or a few beers. I hope I can finally keep this up.

Cole is student of the week. I had to write him a letter that would be read in front of the class. Bad night for this letter. We spent an hour an a half on his homework. I still think homework is for the birds. It causes me nothing but spikes in my blood pressure. So he dropped his pencil at least hundred times. He played with his water bottle. He looked around. He talked to himself. He sang. Anything but the homework. He said to me he wished someone would do the homework for him. REALLY......I sure wish someone would do all the shit I don't want to do too. Unfortunately life doesn't work that way, that is unless you have unlimited funds to pay someone to do your shit. I come from the family that says if you do it yourself it means more. I call bullshit, I want to be able to do things I want screw the stuff I don't want to do. Do you hear me UNIVERSE??????

Anywho still waiting to win the lotto. Still waiting for the easy button. Still waiting for these perfect kids to appear. I do have to say even though I complain I am blessed to have these people I live with. This blog is my vent to say things I cannot say out loud to them.

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