Sunday, February 14, 2010

Birthday, if your not a twilight fan you will not get this!

So February 11th I woke up to the ridiculously hot VAMP boy watching me sleep. We kissed alittle but he had to pull back in fear he would kill me. Wow this is fantastic I can make out with the ridiculously hot Vamp and I don't even have to put out. So he puts me on his back and we ride through the woods at super fast speed. My new super long dark hot hair is blowing flawlessly in the breeze. He takes me to this meadow and his body looks like it is covered in thousands of diamonds. All I can think about is damn I would look good in all those diamonds. We lay there starring into each others eyes when I am abruptly awakened to my damn alarm clock. F@#K I'm not with a ridiculously hot Vamp boy toy that I don't have to put out for but I'm F@#king FORTY.

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