My Grandparent's house sold. I dream about this house almost every night. I happen to be a vivid dreamer. Especially in the morning. It's one of the reasons I like to go back to bed. My dreams are always different little strange too. Sometimes people from my past are in them. Sometimes people I hang out with now are in them. Even though the people change and the things going on change it's always in this house. Since my Grandma passed away a few years ago. I dream about the house and she is in it. I'm always shocked to see her sitting at the kitchen table. I always say.."OMG, your here". She always looks at me and smiles. Then I usually wake up. I like to see her in my dreams. It makes it easier. I look forward to dreaming about her. I'm really going to miss this place.
The house holds so many memories for me. Mac and cheese, Charles Angels, the Cubs, Popsicles, Christmas, Easter egg hunts, Trap doors, writing in the smoke house, climbing in the tree, canoeing in the flooded yard, and the people who sat at the kitchen table. There were weddings, baptisms, birthdays, family reunions, and graduation parties here. It was a place we all came together for good food and good conversation. My Grandparents lived in this house their whole life. It was moved once on logs and pulled by mules. I can't imagine what that looked like.
I was thinking it's so strange that I dream about this house so much. I don't even dream about my childhood homes very much. I guess it's because it's the only constant thing in my life. The one thing that has never changed. Things and people changed around it but it always remained the same. It was like comfort food for me. Made you all warm and fuzzy inside. Well it's not the house so much as the people who lived in it. I don't have any bad memories of this place. Back in their day people got a job and usually stayed in it their whole life. Bought a house and usually stayed in it their whole life. Got married and usually stayed married their whole life. Oh my how times have changed. I lived in five places growing up. We are about to live in our 6th house. Most people change jobs in their lifetime now. Most people don't stay married anymore. The house sold while my Dad was here a few weeks ago. I asked him if he was sad. He said..NO, he just misses his parents. I guess guys don't get attached to things the way girls do.

Since I found out the house sold my dreams have gotten really crazy about it. I dreamed one night that two of my relatives who don't drink were falling down drunk. My Uncle Tommy and I were like "What is their problem?". We were shocked and confused by their drinking. Another dream I had we were having a huge party there with a band. We were all doing shots. I was stressed cause I never do shots. My Aunt Margie got in the giant tree. I was yelling at her to get out of it. I was afraid she would fall because of the shots. I woke up and thought what the hell did that mean. In the dreams now my whole family is around. There is a lot of them too. It seems to be about drinking. I have no idea why. The saddest part is my Grandma has not been in any of them. She was always in my dreams in the past. I need one of those dream analyst people to help me understand.
I had to post this last picture. My Grandpa made that sign. When you went into the basement it's the first thing you would see. It says..."Stop What the hell are you going down for besides a beer?" It makes me want to have a beer!!!!!! It makes me sad that this is it for our family and this house. I hope my Grandpa haunts the new people....evil laugh!!!! That song by Keane is in my head right now. It goes....."Your gone from here"
"Soon you will disappear"
"Fading into beautiful light"
"Because everybody's changing"
"And I don't feel right"